Articles, briefings and presentations

Articles and publications

  • Teenage pregnancy and young parenthood: effective policy and practice. Adolescence and Society Series. Routledge. 2017.
  • Teenage Pregnancy: strategies for prevention. Obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive medicine. 2018.
  • Teenage pregnancy and young parents: good progress, more to do. Briefing for local councillors. Local Government Association and Public Health England. 2018.
  • A Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Framework: supporting young people to prevent unplanned pregnancy and develop healthy relationships. Public Health England and Local Government Association. 2018.
  • A Framework for supporting teenage mothers and young fathers. Public Health England and Local Government Association. (2016) Public Health England and Local Government Association. 2016.
  • The challenges of applying a successful strategy model across differing national and local landscapes. Sexual health and HIV policy e-bulletin. Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2017.
  • Implementing the UK Government's ten year teenage pregnancy strategy for England (1999-2010): how was this done and what did it achieve? Reproductive Health. 2016.
  • Reducing teenage pregnancy: Lessons Learned from the UK Government's Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England. 2016. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2016.
  • Teenage pregnancy: job done or more to do? Journal of Family Health. 2016. Download article [PDF]
  • Teenage Pregnancy: great progress but no room for complacency. British Journal of Midwifery. 2016. Download article [PDF]
  • The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England - concerted effort can make a difference. Entre Nous. 2014. Download article [PDF]



  • Learning from the UK Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England: what can we share? FSRH Global Health Conference. 2018.
  • Delivering relationships and sex education through the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy: the critical role of councils. All Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health. March 2018.
  • Implementing England鈥檚 ten-year teenage pregnancy strategy: what did it achieve and how was it done? Argentina teenage pregnancy action plan consultation event. Unicef. June 2017.
  • Reproductive health through the life course: learning from the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy. Local Government Association Sexual Health Conference. July 2017
  • Relationships and sex education: national policy briefing. Shropshire Council PSHE Conference. May 2017
  • Teenage Pregnancy Strategy: a joined up solution to a complex issue. Thailand 2nd national conference on healthy sexuality. February 2017
  • The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England: what we did and what we learned. Accelerating progress towards the reduction of adolescent pregnancy in the Americas: a technical consultation. Pan-american health organisation (PAHO). August 2016
  • Young people's use of contraception: barriers and solutions. Primary Care Conference. May 2016
  • The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England: what we did and what we learned. Global consultation to draw out lessons learned from the first generation of scaled up Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health programmes World Health Organisation. Geneva. April 2016.
  • Teenage pregnancy: job done or more to do? Association for Young People鈥檚 Health national conference. February 2016.


Teenage Pregnancy
Knowledge Exchange
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
天美传媒 Square
Luton, UK


Director: Alison Hadley OBE
m: 07449 905073
