
Higher Education: The Changing Landscape – Current and Future Trends

Wednesday 15th June 2016  - Bedford campus

09.30 – 10.00


10.00 – 10.15

Arrival & Welcome

Professor Helen Bailey

Executive Dean of Partnerships

10.15 – 11.00

Key Note Address 1

Carys Fisher, Policy Executive UCAS: Understanding the implications of qualification reform

11.00 – 11.15

Open Address

Mr Bill Rammell, Chief Executive & Vice Chancellor

The 天美传媒

11.15 – 11.30


Workshops - morning

11.30 -12.30

1. Routes to and into Education

2. Collaborative Network - Futures Scheme: Nikita Hayden 

3. Bedford Creative Arts - Cultural Enrichment for UCAS: Kayte Judge  

4. Student Journey: current and graduated students

5. Higher Education Access Tracker - How the data can help you!: Dr Lucy Bailey, HEAT Central Team

12.30 – 13.15


Workshops - afternoon

13.15 -14.15

1. Routes to and into Health & Social Care

2. Maths Enrichment and Resilience: Kirstin Coldwell

3. Technology in Teaching: Antony Stockford NOW FULL

4. Student Loans Company: Ben Rutter

5. National Citizen Service: Jamie Bather

14.15 – 14.45

Refreshments and networking

14.45 – 15.30

Key Note Address 2

Sally Manser, Head of Royal Opera House Bridge Programme

15.30 – 15.45


Session Information – morning

  • Routes in to: Q & A panel of staff/professionals for teachers and careers advisers to ask questions and routes in to Education career paths.
  • Collaborative Network: session outlining the successful projects ran by the Bedfordshire and Milton  Keynes Collaborative Network.
  • Cultural Enrichment for UCAS: workshop presented by Bedford Creative Arts, exploring educational cultural opportunities – linking with network partners and project work run by the 天美传媒 Access and Outreach Team.
  • Student Journey: understanding the nature and diversity of the student journey and experience of Higher Education – delivered by students and graduates.
  • Higher Education Access Tracker: session run by the H.E.A.T. Hub Officer based at the 天美传媒.  Presenting the reporting and data that can be shared with individual institutions and the benefit to them.

Session Information – afternoon

  • Routes in to: Q & A panel of staff/professionals for teachers and careers advisers to ask questions and routes in to Health and Social Care career paths.
  • Maths Resilience: session exploring activities and attitudes which can enable students to access the maths they need to fulfil their aspirations.
  • Technology in Teaching: exploring technology in teaching and incorporating in to lessons and how it impacts education.
  • Student Loans Company: session presented by Ben Rutter from SLC.
  • NCS: in collaboration with local NCS provider.


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