- Safer Young Lives
- About the Centre
- Blog
- Resources
- Short Films for Practice CSE Research
- Staff
- Publications
- Current Programmes and Projects
- Young Researchers' Advisory Panel (YRAP)
- Completed Projects
- Evaluation, Training and Consultancy
- Professional Doctorate and other 天美传媒 Opportunities
- Open letter to Westminster Government
- In memory of Lucie Moore
- About the Centre
- Blog
- Resources
- Short Films for Practice CSE Research
- Staff
- Publications
- Current Programmes and Projects
- Learning Together: Involving children and youth in sexual abuse research
- Imagining Resistance
- Elevating ‘Our Voices’
- Exploring racial disparity in diversion from the youth justice system
- BLMK Integrated Care System Research and Innovation Hub
- Implementation and impact of the Practice Principles for responding to child exploitation and extra familial harm
- Journeys through the Justice System
- Support needs of neurodivergent young women and girls following domestic abuse and exploitation
- Young Researchers' Advisory Panel (YRAP)
- Completed Projects
- Policy: CSE Guidance and Definitions
- The Alexi Project
- PACE evaluation
- ESRC Teenagers in Foster Care Series
- Learning about the Lighthouse
- Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC)
- NSPCC Mapping
- Our Voices
- Our Voices Too
- The 'Be Healthy' Project
- MsUnderstood: building local responses to peer on peer abuse
- Making Noise: Children’s Voices for Positive Change after Sexual Abuse
- Victim Support Adult Support Project
- FCASE Evaluation
- Evaluation of AVA project
- Nightwatch
- CSE and Policing Knowledge Hub
- Making Justice Work
- CSE Knowledge Transfer Project
- Policing Models and CSE
- ESRC Series: Teenagers in Foster Care
- Public Health England Literature Review
- Life skills, leadership, limitless potential:
- The Children’s Social Care Innovation programme
- Evaluation of Barnardo's Safe Accommodation Project
- Learning Action Partnership to Prevent CSE in Bulgaria
- Four films on gang associated sexual violence and exploitation
- Research into gang associated sexual exploitation and sexual violence
- Evaluation of Barnardo's Police Service of NI Pilot Missing Initiative
- Talking Child Sexual Exploitation: A study of Current Practice in London
- Being Heard Project
- Rotherham Project
- The RISE Learning Network
- Contextual Safeguarding Programme
- Faith sensitive RSE research
- Learning from the experts: Young people's perspectives on how we can support healthy child development after sexual abuse
- Our Voices III: challenging sexual violence against children
- MOPAC Girls and Young Women at Risk
- Young people receiving services for harm outside the home or exploitation: experiences of wider family members
- Evaluation of the Bedfordshire Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU)
- Journeys through the Justice System Following Abuse
- Evaluation, Training and Consultancy
- Professional Doctorate and other 天美传媒 Opportunities
- Open letter to Westminster Government
- In memory of Lucie Moore
Safer Young Lives is part of the Institute of Applied Social Research
The Safer Young Lives Research Centre has a blog where you can read ongoing news about our work. It was launched on March 18th 2016 - National CSE Awareness Day - with a series of posts showcasing how we involve young people in our research.
The blog is updated regularly and can be found at
Safer Young Lives Research Centre
Institute of Applied Social Research
天美传媒 Square