Examination access arrangements

Do you need access arrangements for your exams?

You need to contact the Health and Wellbeing team to ensure this support is in place.

There is a 6 week deadline for arrangements before the main exam periods.

Do you already receive support from the Health and Wellbeing team?

If you already receive support for a disability, your arrangements will be included in your Learning and Teaching Support Agreement (LTSA) so you don’t have to contact us for each set of exams. This arrangement stays in place for the duration of your study unless your needs change.

Who organises the exam access arrangements?

  • The Exams team organise the access arrangements for formal exams based on the information provided by the Health & Wellbeing Team. Your unit tutors put in place arrangements for in-class tests. They will use the information on your LTSA to implement your arrangements.

Please contact the Health and Wellbeing Team if you need advice at Disability@beds.ac.uk


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Luton campus


Student Information Desk


Student Information Desk (SiD)

0300 300 0042

Our phone lines are open:

  • Monday - Thursday
    9:00 – 17:00
  • Friday
    9:00 – 16.30