Your Academic External Engagement Journey

What does 'external engagement' look like for you?
Do you want to work with a business, public or community sector organisation? Maybe you already have links with an organisation you would like to collaborate with? Whether you need an industry specific case study for your students or you would like to get involved in a multi-million pound collaboration, we can help you with any of the elements you need.
What can you expect?
Our Business Partnerships Team will contact you with details of a potential project with an SME that suits your expertise. However, if you have a contact already, we can help you to develop that relationship.
Tell us what type of project / research you would like to work on and / or discuss your collaborative options.
Here is how it works (PDF).
We will discuss timeframes and how this would fit into your existing workload.
Meet with the SME, and discuss their business needs.
Agree a scope, milestones and timeline with the company, in accordance with our Consultancy Policy (PDF)
Agree ownership of the Intellectual Property in accordance to our IP Policy (PDF)
Formalise any contract required.
You will conduct the necessary actions to move the project along. For example, collaborative R&D, PhD supervision, helping put a graduate in place and overseeing their work, or conducting research and writing a paper.
You will initiate the necessary steps, as set out in your action plan, e.g. supporting grant application.
You will ascertain any other opportunities听 available to them. For example, further research听collaboration that may help their business grow and innovate.
This is where things matter:
We will ask for your feedback.
We will capture any immediate results, and agree timelines for capturing future impact.
We can create case studies with you.
We will look at publication potential.