Music, performing arts and dance

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60% of our research is rated as internationally recognised or better.

The 天美传媒’s high-quality research in Music, Dance and Performing Arts influences national and international policies and practices across these disciplines.

Our research in each of those areas is informed by an outward-facing vision, key to the promotion of excellence in imaginative and collaborative ways, as well as advancing knowledge exchange between the academic and professional.

Multidisciplinary solutions and developments

The 天美传媒’s specialist facilities allow us to keep abreast of emerging trends and innovations as well as upcoming technologies.

Our research in Music, Dance and the Performing Arts attracts funding from important bodies such as the AHRC, The Arts Council, EU, The Karina Ari Foundation (Sweden), and the festival of the Northeast.

At the core of this approach is the discovery and the delivery of multidisciplinary solutions and developments in the academic and professional – or industry facing – music, drama, dance and performing contexts.

New insights

Leading researchers explore how diverse compositional, dramatic, choreographic, performance-making and somatic practices generate new insights into the notions of art and art-making.

In Music, Dr Torsten Anders contributes to the vision highlighted above with research that focuses on the computational modelling of composition and music theories.

In Drama, Dr Daniel Bye questions and investigates diverse performance modes through ‘performance/lectures’ presented at major UK venues and supported by the Arts Council.

The research of Dr Tamara Ashley, Artistic Director of , focuses on practice as research to address, explore and revisit diverse dance related practices - whether they be creative, curatorial or else.

Vital role of Dance Science

Dance Science plays a vital role in the interaction between academic discourses and the industry, as demonstrated by Dr Imogen Aujla's acclaimed research on the optimisation of performance among elite dancers, and the impact of recreational dance on the health and well-being of non-dancers.

Professor Helen Bailey's internationally-known work addresses the ongoing exploration of new technologies in relation to performance making.

The research strategy for music, Dance and Performance at the 天美传媒 focuses on maximising research impact by publicising research activities internally and externally through collaborative research projects and conference.

In 2011 the 天美传媒 hosted the Dance Science and Health, International Congress on Dance and Health in partnership with and .

Our research excellence


Enquire about research degrees

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(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1582 489056

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For all the information you need on how to apply for a research degree and to make sure you fulfil the entry requirements go to How to apply

You should have a good honours degree (2:1 or above) or masters degree or equivalent in the relevant subject area.