
Following the tradition of the IEEE MMSP workshops, Top 10% Paper Award is given to the best 10% of the number of accepted papers. In addition, the Best Paper Award is given to a selected paper from the Top 10% awarded papers.

The Award Committee led by the Award Co-Chairs, Pascal Frossard and Nicholaos Thomos, has first selected 16 papers with the best review scores. These papers have been additionally reviewed by the Award Committee and the best 8 have won the Top 10% Paper awards.

Finally, the Award Committee has invited additional reviewers to provide additional opinion and scores of the awarded papers, which resulted in awarding the Best Paper.

The Awards are supported by Elsevier, award sponsor, who provided 8 books as the prizes.

The Top 10% Paper Awards

  • Biao Ma, Amy R. Reibman, "Enhancing viewability for first-person videos based on a human perception model"
  • Joerg Schmalenstroeer, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach, "Multi-stage coherence drift based sampling rate syncronization for acoustic beamforming"
  • Pierre David, Mikael Le Pendu, Christine Guillemot, "White lenslet image guided demosaicing for plenoptic cameras"
  • Martin Alain, Aljosa Smolic, "Light field denoising by sparse 5D transform domain collaborative filtering"
  • Bharath Vishwanath, Tejaswi Nanjundaswamy, Kenneth Rose, "Rotational motion model for temporal prediction in 360 video coding"
  • Evangelos Alexiou, Evgeniy Upenik, Touradj Ebrahimi, "Towards subjective quality assessment of point cloud imaging in augmented reality"
  • Michele Buccoli, Bruno Di Giorgi, Massimiliano Zanoni, Fabio Antonacci, Augusto Sarti, "Using multi-dimensional correlation for matching and alignment of MoCap and video signals"
  • Alireza Javaheri, Catarina Brites, Fernando Pereira, Joao Ascenso, "Subjective and objective quality evaluation of compressed point clouds"

The Best Paper Award

Pierre David, Mikael Le Pendu, Christine Guillemot, "White lenslet image guided demosaicing for plenoptic cameras"

The conference organisers cordially congratulate the award winners!


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