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Yes/ NO /N.A Circumstances for withdrawal: (Provide a brief outline of circumstances surrounding the reasons for withdrawal) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Completed withdrawal of studies forms sent to the Student Engagement Team will be reviewed and you will receive correspondence from a member of the team. A completed formdoes not mean that the withdrawal request will be automatically processed at this stage. The date the form is submitted will be used as the date of the withdrawal of studies, the university cannot backdate your request. Declaration (student section) By signing this form you are confirming that you consent for the Student Engagement Team to send this document and details of the circumstances of your withdrawal to your course administrator for review and to process. You are also confirming you are aware of the consequences of your decision on both academic and financial grounds. If you are submitting the form electronically, please also put a cross in the box to confirm: Signature of student ______________________________ Date form submitted: _______________________ Send completed form, email form to  HYPERLINK "mailto:student.engagement@beds.ac.uk" student.engagement@beds.ac.uk or address to Student Engagement, ý, Park Square, Luton, LU1 3JU, if submitting by post. This form will be sent by the Student Engagement Team to your course administrator to review and process. Checklist (Advice confirmed by student engagement advisor during appointment and/or through email correspondence Have you signed and dated the form (or put a cross in the box if submitting electronically)? Have you discussed your Withdrawal with your Personal Academic Tutor or academic team? Have you spoken to the Student Finance Officer to make sure you are aware of the financial implications/ fee liability and notified Student Finance England (SFE) or other financial sponsor as appropriate? If you are living in ý halls, have you informed the accommodation office? You must return your ID badge to a member of staff either course admin, reception, SID desk or member of security. ID cards will be deactivated and you will no longer have access to university buildings after you have withdrawn from your studies. International students studying in the UK, you must contact the International Office regarding any withdrawal of study requests. The UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) will be notified of your withdrawal. Contact  HYPERLINK "mailto:IntStudentExperience@beds.ac.uk" IntStudentExperience@beds.ac.uk Overseas students studying at partner centre/college, ensure you have consulted with local partner staff for academic and financial implications. NHS LSF students, you are advised to inform your Student Finance Officer at  HYPERLINK "mailto:sfohealth@beds.ac.uk" sfohealth@beds.ac.uk NHS Students, you must return your NHS badge and uniform. Engagement Advisor Review Section: (to be completed by Student Engagement Advisor Only) Any additional comments (if applicable) Student Engagement Advisor (full name): ____________________________________________________ Date form processed to course administrator (internal use): ___________________ Exit Interview Section - Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) Section or Overseas Partner Centre/College Staff: Last date of attendance: Mode (FT / PT) Level of ý  *Course Administrators - if the student has completed all work for this academic year please use the Academic Year end date Please provide any additional comments (if applicable) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exit Interview conducted by (staff member full name): _____________________________ Staff member signature: ________________________ Date: ____________ Reason for leaving code (NHS students only) _____________________ Is there anything the ý could have done to enable you to stay on the programme? Opinions of the programme: Achievements to date: Other comments: Staff member interview conducted by (Staff member full name: ___________________________ Staff member signature: _____________________ Date: ____________________ International Office Section To be completed by International Office Rep  Request for interruption APPROVED REFUSED Date: _________________   .51 < > | } ~ ʽtfM40jh0yhMCJU^JaJmHnHtH u0jh0yh#CJU^JaJmHnHtH uh0yh]r5CJ^JaJh0yh]r5>*CJ^JaJ! *h0yh]r5>*CJ^JaJh0yhLYCJ^JaJh0yhCJ^JaJh0yh/5CJ^JaJh0yh/CJ^JaJh;X>h M5>*CJaJh Mh45CJaJh Mh5>*CJaJh Mh6L5>*CJaJ} ~ 3 4  $da$gdP7j dgdK$ dgdk$ $da$gd]r dgd dgd M $da$gd;X>  3 4 5 ׽wgYL23jh0yhP7j5CJU^JaJmHnHtH uh0yh/4MCJ^JaJh0yhK$>*CJ^JaJh0yhK$5>*CJ^JaJh0yhU5>*CJ^JaJh0yhM5CJ^JaJh0yh_%CJ^JaJh0yhK$CJ^JaJh0yhK$5CJ^JaJ3jh0yh#5CJU^JaJmHnHtH uh0yh@!5CJ^JaJh0yh]r5CJ^JaJh0yh]rCJ^JaJ5 7 9 : Q S T W m p   ʼʮؼؼ؇؇n؇ʮؼah0yh9CJ^JaJ0jh0yh#CJU^JaJmHnHtH uh0yh95CJ^JaJ0jh0yhz CJU^JaJmHnHtH uh0yhD5CJ^JaJh0yh\2:5CJ^JaJh0yhxy5CJ^JaJh0yhxyCJ^JaJ3jh0yhz 5CJU^JaJmHnHtH u       a e j k l \ i 78U˽xk[kN=! *h0yh5>*CJ^JaJh0yhP7jCJ^JaJh0yh#{5CJ\^JaJh0yh#{CJ^JaJh0yhD5CJ^JaJh0yhDCJ^JaJh0yh/4M5CJ^JaJh0yhP7j5CJ^JaJh0yhz 5CJ^JaJh0yh#5CJ^JaJh0yh\2:5CJ^JaJh0yhixCJ^JaJh0yh9CJ^JaJh0yh\2:CJ^JaJ   k l 8VWrs9 & Fd-D@M gdDd-D@M gdDgd $da$gd $da$gdv@ dgdgdD dgdK$UWX'DHYsZʽʰʣʌl[[L[h_h_0JCJ^JaJ!jh_h_CJU^JaJ$h_h_5B*CJ^JaJphh0yh+CJ^JaJh0yhCJ^JaJh_CJ^JaJh_h_CJ^JaJh0yh3CJ^JaJh0yh ]CJ^JaJh0yhv@CJ^JaJ0jh_h_CJU^JaJmHnHtH uh0yh5>*CJ^JaJZ\89-  *+->   5vvcvR*B*CJ^JaJph!jh0yhDCJU^JaJh0yhD5CJ^JaJh0yhDCJ^JaJh0yhD>*CJ^JaJh0yhD5>*CJ^JaJ$h0yh#{5B*CJ^JaJphh_h_5CJ^JaJh_h_CJ^JaJ!h_h_B*CJ^JaJph -M   hi() $da$gdK Ngd;X> $da$gd0 & Fd-D@M gdD56JKLMY  }ƹ|o||o|o_O_OA *hLHN5>*CJ^JaJ *h0yh_5CJ^JaJ *h0yhD5CJ^JaJh0yh;X>CJ^JaJh0yh_CJ^JaJ! *h0yh_5>*CJ^JaJ! *h0yh;X>5>*CJ^JaJh0yhD5CJ^JaJh0yhDCJ^JaJ!h0yhDB*CJ^JaJph$h0yhD>*B*CJ^JaJph*jh0yhDB*CJU^JaJph&'()@AB  3BDa´¤}gZM@M2h0yh#5CJ^JaJh0yhLHNCJ^JaJh0yh#CJ^JaJh0yh0CJ^JaJ+h0yh05B*CJPJ\^JaJphh0yhLYCJ^JaJ3jh0yhLY5CJU^JaJmHnHtH uh0yhLY5CJ\^JaJh0yhLY5CJ^JaJh0yh05CJ^JaJ *h0yhLHN5CJ^JaJ *hLHN5>*CJ^JaJ! *hLHNhLHN5>*CJ^JaJ)  D  gh $da$gdLHN $da$gdK N dgd0gdLY dgdLYJBG,Fɼɯɯɯɢv]Dɢ0jh0yhK NCJU^JaJmHnHtH u0jh0yh#CJU^JaJmHnHtH u *h0yh#CJ^JaJ *h0yhK NCJ^JaJ *h0yhK N5CJ^JaJh0yh#CJ^JaJh0yhLHNCJ^JaJh0yh0CJ^JaJh0yhK NCJ^JaJh0yhK N5CJ^JaJhLHNhLHNCJ^JaJh0yhLHN5CJ^JaJ`a+,EFJKLMNOPQgd# $da$gd_ $da$gdK NFGHJhijpqrh0yh_hWh_CJhv@h0yhK NCJ^JaJ0jh0yh_CJU^JaJmHnHtH u0jhLHNhLHNCJU^JaJmHnHtH u QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklgdLYgd_gd#lmnopqr $da$gd_gdLYz+p,p-p.p1h/R 4567:p]r. 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