Researchers’ Areas of Interest
- Race, ethnicity, cultural diversity as they impact on the experiences and attainment of minority ethnic students and minority ethnic staff educational leadership and practice in schools, further and higher education;
- Social justice in education
- Critical race theory
- Critical theories
- Inclusion and SEN
- Teacher Professional Development & Educational Leadership
- Psychology related topics (particularly developmental psychology)
- Educational ideas of John Dewey
- Relationship between political philosophy and education
- Philosophy of education
- Citizenship and democratic education
- Educational leadership and governance
- Psychoanalysis and education
- History of education
- The study of English/Literacy at various phases
- Further and adult education
- Professional identity in education
Research sits at the intersection of philosophy, education, and English studies and includes:
- Identity
- Academic decentring (close to intellectual/academic decolonization)
- Radical/anarchist education
- Political philosophy
- Political/aesthetic education
- Literature/popular culture
- Civil liberties
- Language
- Subject English/creative writing
- Teacher Education
- Teaching and Learning
- Further Education and Skills
- Mentoring
- FE leadership
- Deschooling
- Critical and radical pedagogies
- Critical university studies
- Higher Education
- Higher education curriculum change
- Evaluation of higher education practices
- Education for sustainability
- Climate change education
- Equality Diversity and Inclusivity and decolonisation in higher education
- Memory and education
- Teacher Education
- Handwriting
- Leadership and management in educational contexts
- The leadership and management of change in educational contexts
- The compulsory redeployment of teachers
- Special educational needs and disability
- Teachers' lives and careers
- Multi agency working, the roles beyond the educator
- Professional identity
- How education is impacted upon by parents and families
- Higher Education
- Evaluation in higher education
- Science teaching and learning in primary school
- Teacher beliefs
- Teacher and student motivation
- Self-theories (growth-mindset, grit, self-regulation)
- Classroom discourse and discourse analysis
- International assessments
- Teenage pregnancy and motherhood
- Media and policy representations of university students
- Youth transitions
- Constructions of youth and risk
- Media analysis
- Interpretative phenomenology analysis (IPA)
- Interviewing
- Creative research methods
- The experiences of career changers into secondary school teaching
- The development of teacher identity
- Approaches to teaching reading, writing and oracy in the English classroom
- Special educational needs and disability
- Difficulties in literacy and dyslexia
- Issues of challenging behaviour in schools
- Curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in schools
- Practitioner action research
Institute for Research in Education
School of Education and English Language
Bedford campus
Polhill Avenue
MK41 9EA
School of Education and English Language
Bedfordshire English