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Is Identity a Story?

Posted: 7 July 2024 Author: Carol Thompson & Neil Hopkins

Cover image of the book Reflections on Identity: Narratives from Educators, edited by Hopkins and Thompson

Have you ever done a roadmap activity? It is a tool for exploring experiences and feelings using the metaphor of a journey.Ìý Sometimes it provides a focus for reflection, sometimes it is a way of planning future progress, occasionally it can be both.Ìý To see an example, take a look at figure 1 which represents one of our roadmaps on the journey to publication. This type of activity provides a vehicle for examining our experience and (if we choose to share it), is a way of telling our ‘story’ to others...

The Cass Review: Misreadings and Misuses*

Posted: 2 July 2024 Author: Oli Belas

Cover image of the final report from the Cass Review

Despite its overwhelmingly positive reception by the press, the so-called Cass Review is a problematic document bearing witness to a problematic research process. The methodological, ethical, and epistemic flaws of the Review will be taken up in a future post (or series of posts). The aim of this piece is to bring to the fore the wilful misreading of the Review which, its flaws notwithstanding, does not say what many anti-trans voices think or would have us believe it does.


Institute for Research in Education
School of Education and English Language
Bedford campus
Polhill Avenue
MK41 9EA


School of Education and English Language

Bedfordshire English