CVDA projects before 2013

Centre for Visualisation and Data Analytics

CVDA Externally Funded Projects Before 2013

Non-EC projects on computer graphics and figure animation were funded by the SERC (predecessor to EPSRC), PCFC, the British Council, UK-based charities and the Royal Society. A project on space robotics with the Russian Academy of Sciences was funded by INTAS. The European Commission supported 12 projects over Frameworks 4, 5 and 6, respectively, as indicated below.

Many of CVDA's projects since 2008 have been funded by the European Commission (EC) under the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) priority of Framework 7 (FP7). VPH arose from the Road Map delivered by the STEPproject (2006-7), which was a Support Action coordinated by CVDA (PI, Gordon Clapworthy). VPH was the subject of a number of Calls for Proposals within Framework 7 which supported work to the value of over €400 million. The earliest VPH projects started in 2008, and some will continue until 2017. The VPH initiative has been strongly endorsed by the European Parliament. In its resolution of 14 January 2014 on the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020, the Parliament explicitly called on the European Commission to continue to support the Virtual Physiological Human initiative, to which the EC responded positively: "For the Work Programme 2016-2017, the Commission intends to further support development of in silico models and methods."

The following lists the external projects in which the CVDA Lab has been engaged in the period before 2013, together with the Principal Investigator (PI) of each project and the funding body. The Research Executive Agency (REA) manages about 50% of EU research funding, including the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Programme and the Programme for SMEs.

Externally funded projects between 1996-2007

  • FP4: IAEVA (1996-7), IAEVA II (1998-2000), MediMedia (1998-2000),Kneeflex (Marie Curie – 1997-99)
  • FP5: VAKHUM (2000-2), BioNet (2001-2), Multimod (2001-4),Multisense (2002-5), INCO bursary (2003)
  • FP6: STEP (2006-7), LHDL (2006-9), Aneurist (2006-10)

Externally funded projects between 2008 - 2013

  • MSV (2010-12), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP7, ICT
  • VPH-FET (2010-11), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP7, ICT
  • VPHOP-EEU (2010-12), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP7, ICT
  • GAMVolVis (2009-11), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, REA, Marie Curie
  • EPSRC funded project “Animating Humans from Static Images via an Entirely Image-Based Approach” EP/F066473/1, PI: Feng Dong
  • EPSRC funded project “Amplifiable Bi-directional Texture Functions for 3D High Fidelity Images”, EP/C006623/1, PI: Feng Dong
  • ContraCancrum (2008-11), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP7, ICT
  • VPH2 (2008-11), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP7, ICT
  • VPHOP (2008-12), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP7, ICT
  • Femtocell (2008), PI: Enjie Liu, EPSRC
  • VPH NoE (2008-13), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP7, ICT (associate partner)
  • BiTex (2007-08), PI: Feng Dong, EPSRC
  • Aneurist (2006-10), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP6, IST
  • LHDL (2006-09), PI: Gordon Clapworthy, EC FP6, IST

The income generated for CVDA from the projects above is over €5.5 million.


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