Institute for Health Research Ethics Committee (IHREC)

The purpose of the ethics committee is to provide ethical oversight of research-based activities conducted by staff and students in relevant departments of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. The faculty has two ethics committees, IHR (Institute of Health Research) and IASR (Institute of Applied Social Research)

The IHREC is responsible for providing ethics opinion to research undertaken by staff and postgraduate research students within the Faculty of Health and Social Science whose research focus is in health rather than in social research. Research proposals that are concerned specifically with social rather than health issues should be addressed by IASR. There will be occasions where a proposed project may seem to fit equally well with either ethics committee in which case the researcher should contact the Chair of IHR and/or IASREC and discuss the most appropriate way forward.

It does not matter which committee gives approval as long as it has been given.

ALL research undertaken within the Institute for Health Research, whether primary (involving fieldwork with human beings) or secondary (involving work which draws on already published resources), requires ethical approval. Proposals must be submitted to and approved by the ethics committee before fieldwork can commence.

Proposals for all research based and other academic activities which involve contact with individuals or organisations must be submitted to, and approved by, the ethics committee before fieldwork can commence.

Please download and complete the appropriate application and return an electronic copy to

For Medical Education, Dental Education and Dental Law and Ethics, all applications and queries should be sent to

Please note that there is a minimum turn around period of 10 days, and this can be longer during busy periods, so applicants must ensure that their ethics applications are submitted in good time.

All proposals for primary/empirical research must be submitted using the IHREC application form:

If the research involves participants from the NHS (patients) or participants who fall under the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, approval must be obtained from the NHS Local Research Ethics Committee via the Integrated Research Application System:

Health students doing secondary/non-empirical research, ie, library-based (literature review/systematic review) dissertations, research proposals or service improvement projects should download and complete one of the following forms:

Students undertaking secondary research must have a hard copy of their form as well as signing it themselves and should retain a copy to submit as an appendix to their dissertation.

PhD students who will be collecting data from outside the UK MUST contact the Research Graduate for the appropriate application form.

Researchers are encouraged to be aware of the Dept of Health's Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care:

Researchers should also refer to The British Psychological Society's Code of Human Research Ethics:

IHR Researchers can access 天美传媒 Insurance Indemnity Certificate here:

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)


Enquire about research degrees

By telephone
During office hours
(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1582 489056

By email

International applicants should be aware of our English language requirements


For all the information you need on how to apply for a research degree and to make sure you fulfil the entry requirements go to How to apply

You should have a good honours degree (2:1 or above) or masters degree or equivalent in the relevant subject area.