Research Portfolio - Professor Les Ebdon

  • Carter J, Ebdon L, Evans EH Speciation of silicon and phosphorous using liquid chromatography coupled with sector field high resolution ICP-MS Microchemical Journal, 76 (1-2), 35-41, 2004

  • Garcia-Sanchez R, Bettmer J, Ebdon L Development of a new method for the separation of vanadium species and chloride interference removal using modified silica capillaries-DIN-ICP-MS Microchemical Journal, 76 (1-2), 161-171, 2004

  • Le Goff T, Braven J, Ebdon L, Scholefield D Phosphate-selective electrodes containing immobilised ionophores Analytica Chimica Acta, 510 (2), 175-182, 2004

  • Ebdon L, Fisher AS, Betti M and Leroy M Detection methods for the quantitation of trace elements Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, XLI, 117-190, 2003

  • Braven J, Ebdon L, Frampton NC, Le Goff T, Scholefield D, Sutton PG Mechanistic aspects of nitrate-selective electrodes with immobilised ion exchangers in a rubbery membrane Analyst, 128 (8), 1067-1072, 2003

  • Carter J, Ebdon L, Evans EH Ion stopping experiment to determine the origin of background ions in icp-msJournal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, 18 (2), 142-145, 2003

  • Le Goff T, Braven J, Ebdon L, Scholefield D Automatic continuous river monitoring of nitrate using a novel ion-selective electrode Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 5 (2), 353-358, 2003

  • Miller AJ, Wells DM, Braven J, Ebdon L Novel sensors for measuring soil nitrogen, water availability and strength BCP International Congress Crop Science and Technology, 2, 1107-1114, 2003

  • Fitzpatrick S, Ebdon L, Foulkes ME Separation and detection of arsenic and selenium species in environmental samples by HPLC-ICP-MS International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 82 (11-12), 835-841, 2002

  • Evans EH, Ebdon L, Rowley L Comparative study of the determination of equilibrium dissociation temperature in inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 57 (4), 741-754, 2002

  • Le Goff T, Braven J, Ebdon L, Scholefield D High-performance nitrate-selective electrodes containing immobilised amino acid betaines as sensors Analytical Chemistry, 74 (11), 2596-2602, 2002

  • Le Goff T, Braven J, Ebdon L, Chilcott NP, Scholefield D, Wood JW An accurate and stable nitrate-selective electrode for the in situ determination of nitrate in agricultural drainage waters Analyst, 127 (4), 507-511, 2002

  • Ebdon L, Fitzpatrick S, Foulkes ME The speciation of arsenic compounds Chemia Analityczna, 47 (2), 179-188, 2002

  • Ebdon L, Foulkes ME, Le Roux S, Munoz-Olivas R Cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry and gas chromatography-pyrolysis-atomic fluorescence spectrometry for routine determination of total and organometallic mercury in food samples Analyst, 127 (8), 1108-1114, (2002)

  • Le Goff T, Marsh J, Braven J, Ebdon L, Scholefield D A solvent-free method for preparing improved quality ion-selective electrode membranes Green Chemistry, 4 (5), 486-491, 2002

  • Le Roux SM, Turner A, Millward GE, Ebdon L, Appriou P Partitioning of mercury onto suspended sediments in estuaries Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 3 (1), 37-42, 2001

  • Cornelis R, Crews H, Donard OFX, Ebdon L, Quevauviller P Trends in certified reference materials for the speciation of trace elements Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 370 (2-3), 120-125, 2001

  • Cornelis R, Crews H, Donard O, Ebdon L, Pitts L, Quevauviller P Summary paper of the EC Network on trace element speciation for analysts, industry and regulators - what we have and what we need Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 3 (1), 97-101, 2001

  • Garcia-Sanchez R, Feldhaus R, Bettmer J, Ebdon L Lead speciation in rainwater samples by modified fused silica capillaries coupled to a direct injection nebulizer (DIN) for sample introduction in ICP-MS Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, 16 (9), 1028-1034, 2001

  • Ebdon L, Pitts L, Cornelis R, Crews H, Donard OFX, Quevauviller Ph Trace element speciation for environment, food and health Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN 0-85404-459-0

  • Cornellis R, Camara C, Ebdon L, Pitts L, Sperling M, Morabito R, Donard OXF, Crews H, Larsen EH, Neidhard B, Ariese F, Rosenburg E, Berrouiguet E, Morrison GM, Cordier G, Adams F, Dero B, Marshall J, Stojanik B, Ekvall A, Quevauviller Ph The EU network on trace element speciation in full swing Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 19 (2-3), 213-214, 2000

  • Quevauviller Ph, Harrison R, Adams F, Ebdon L An overview of methods for the determination of trimethyllead in rainwater and urban dust reference materials Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 19 (2-3), 195-199, 2000

  • Quevauviller Ph, Astruc M, Morabito R, Ariese F, Ebdon L Collaborative evaluation of methods for tributyltin determinations in sediment and mussel tissue Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 19 (2-3), 180–188, 2000

  • Roberts FJ, Ebdon L, Hill SJ A preliminary clinical investigation into the potential of blood lead levels to measure bone resorption in patients with skeletal metastases, using ICP-MS Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 14 (2), 108-115, 2000

  • Ebdon L, Fisher A Organometallic Compound Analysis in Environmental Samples. Encyclopaedia of Analytical Chemistry, 3064-3084, 2000

  • Sutton PG, Harrington CF, Fairman B, Evans EH, Ebdon L, Catterick T The small-scale preparation and NMR characterization of isotopically enriched organotin compounds Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 14 (11), 691-700, 2000

  • Cornelis R, Crews H, Donard O, Ebdon L, Pitts P, Quevauviller Ph Summary paper of the EC Network on trace element speciation for analysts, industry and regulators - what we have and what we need J. Environ. Monitor., 3, 97-101, 2000

  • Shafawi A, Ebdon L, Foulkes M, Stockwell P, Corns W Preliminary evaluation of adsorbent-based mercury removal systems for gas condensate Analytica Chimica Acta, 415 (1-2), 21-32, 2000

  • Quevauviller Ph, Ebdon L, Harrison RM, Wang Y Certification of trimethyl-lead in an urban dust reference material (CRM605) Appl. Organometal. Chem. 13, 1-7, 1999

  • Shafawi A, Ebdon L, Foulkes M, Stockwell P, Corns W Determination of total mercury in hydrocarbons and natural gas condensate by atomic fluorescence spectrometry Analyst, 124, 185-189, 1999

  • Ebdon L, Fisher A, Roberts N B, Yaqoob M Determination of Organoarsenic Species in Blood Plasma by HPLC-ICP MD. Appl. Organometal. Chem. 13, 183-187, 1999

  • O’Connor G, Ebdon L, Evans EH Qualitative and quantitative determination of tetraethyllead in fuel using low pressure ICP-MS – invited lecture J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom, 14, 1303-1306, 1999

  • Cornelis R, Camara C, Ebdon L, Pitts L, Welz B, Morabito R, Donard O, Crews H, Larsen EH, Neidhard B, Ariese F, Rosenberg E, Mathe D, Morrison GM, Cordier G, Adams F, Van Doren P, Marshall J, Stojanik B, Ekvall A, Quevauviller P Introduction to the EU-network on trace element speciation: preparing for the 21st century Fres. J Anal Chem, 363, 435-438, 1999

  • Armstrong HEL, Corns WT, Stockwell PB, O’Connor G, Ebdon L, Evans EH Comparison of AFS and ICP-MS detection coupled with gas chromatography for the determination of methyl mercury in marine samples Analytica Chimica Acta, 390, 245-253, 1999

  • Castillo JR, Jimenez MS, Ebdon L Semiquantitative simultaneous determination of metals in olive oil using direct emulsion nebulization J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom, 14, 1515-1518, 1999

  • Scholefield D, Braven J, Chilcott NP, Ebdon L, Stone AC, Sutton PG, Wood JW Field evaluation of a novel nitrate sensitive electrode in drainage waters from agricultural grassland Analyst, 124, 1467-1470, 1999

  • Sutton PG, Braven J, Ebdon L, Scholefield D Development of a sensitive nitrate-selective electrode for on-site use in fresh waters Analyst, 124, 877-882, 1999

  • Shafawi A, Ebdon L, Foulkes M, Stockwell P, Corns W The preliminary evaluation of adsorbent-based mercury removal systems for gas condensate Analytica Chimica Acta, 415 (1-2), 21-32, 1999


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