Jubilee Scholarship 16/17 Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

  • Progressing onto a full-time postgraduate course at the 天美传媒 in the academic year 2016/17, from third year undergraduate degree.
  • Applicants wishing to study part-time will be considered.
  • Direct entry (including top-up degree) students into year 2, 3 are eligible provided they achieve a BA/BSc 1st class degree.
  • Students must be our own final year undergraduates, planning to progress to postgraduate study at the 天美传媒.
  • The scholarship offers a full fee waiver of 拢6,000 on most postgraduate courses (including research degrees) at 天美传媒.
  • Available to Home and EU students.
  • Must achieve a First class degree at undergraduate level.
  • Progress onto postgraduate Masters Level from undergraduate with no breaks in study.
  • Requests by students to receive the Jubilee Scholarship in any year other than the year immediately after they graduate, should be brought to the Vice Chancellor to consider for approval on an exceptional basis.
  • Applicants must be enrolling on a postgraduate course where study is commencing in September 2016. Applicants can be considered to study a full-time course part-time, provided the student can attend a course that is already being offered by the 天美传媒.
  • Must complete and sign the Destination of Leavers of Higher Education Survey (DLHE) at the appropriate time before the closing date.
  • Students are required to complete a Progression Form before registering onto Masters Course - this is if you are going straight on from your undergraduate degree with us to study a postgraduate degree.
  • The Postgraduate Jubilee Scholarship does not apply to the Master of Business Administration or PGCE courses at the 天美传媒 of Bedfordshire.
  • Condition of entry for Sports Science Masters Course (taught and research) – to work as a teaching assistant supporting teaching, learning and student recruitment in relevant areas, particularly in the Bedford Sport Science laboratories. This is unpaid work experience which contributes to the development of the transferable skills of the student and provides useful experience on CV. It is for a maximum of 6 hours per week and 180 hours per year.
  • Scholarships/bursaries will be awarded only to students who are fully registered at the 天美传媒 for the 2016/17 academic year.
  • Once registered the 天美传媒 will also contact the student using the 天美传媒 student email account, and it is the student's responsibility to check this account regularly for important information regarding the payment of their scholarship/bursary.
  • Successful students must maintain an appropriate standard of behaviour throughout their course of study at the 天美传媒. If a recipient does not meet the appropriate standard of behaviour and the bursary is withdrawn from that individual it will not be offered to another student from that cohort.
  • Students may be required on occasion to represent the student body and assist the 天美传媒 to publicise its activities and work with the 天美传媒 in promoting its successes and seeking other financial support.
  • Bursary recipients may be invited to attend university events promoting the value of scholarships and are expected to attend. The 天美传媒 may decide to publicise the names of those who receive scholarships or advise a specific donor of the successful recipients of a particular award.
  • The 天美传媒 reserves the right to withhold instalments if scholarship/bursary holders withdraw, interrupt, not attend or otherwise do not progress satisfactorily with their studies.
  • Bursary holders must remain in good financial standing with the 天美传媒.


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