Dr Andrew Mitchell

Associate Dean (Quality & International)

Andrew Mitchell

I've been involved in Sport and Exercise Science for nearly thirty years and it's an area I am passionate about. I began studying sport way back in the early 1990s at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Chichester and I soon came to realise my specific area of interest was the biomechanics of sports injuries.

Upon graduation, I studied Athletic Training and Sports Medicine at Campbell ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ in North Carolina (USA), and then completed an MSc in Sports Medicine and Kinesiology at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Tennessee in Knoxville (USA).

I returned to the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Chichester to read for a PhD in Biomechanics, focussing on the biomechanics of the lateral ankle sprain.

I taught at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Hertfordshire for 12 years before taking up the role as Head of School of Sport Science and Physical Activity at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ in the summer of 2013.

In April 2021, I stepped away from my Head of School role and took over as Associate Dean Quality & International with the Faculty of Education, English & Sport.

I am a reader in Biomechanics and the majority of my research is focused on lower limb biomechanics and the ankle sprain mechanism.

I have twelve successful PhD supervisions, two successful MPhil supervisions and four successful MSc by Research supervisions. I am currently supervising seven PhD students and two MSc by Research students. I have recently examined PhDs and MSc by Research at Loughborough ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½, Trinity College Dublin, Swansea ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ and here at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½.

I am a seven-time Ironman Triathlon finisher, marathon runner and ParkRunner.


  • PhD Biomechanics: ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Chichester
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Chichester
  • MSc Sports Medicine and Kinesiology: ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Tennessee, USA
  • BSc (Hons) Sports Science: ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Chichester

Teaching Expertise

  • Sports Injuries
  • Rehabilitation & Exercise Therapy
  • Anatomy & Biomechanics
  • Athletic Bracing & Taping

Research Interests

I have research interests in the following areas:

  • The Biomechanics of Functional Ankle Instability including Postural Sway and Reaction Time to Simulated Ankle Sprain Mechanisms
  • Prehabilitation and gait
  • Golf, dance and footwear biomechanics

Successful Research Supervision

  • Charlotte Gautrey: The Biomechanics of the Dynamic Defence Mechanism (PhD)
  • Peter Thain: The Effects of Ice Application on the Dynamic Defence Mechanism (PhD)
  • Joanna Denyer: The effects of foot structure and athletic taping on lower limb biomechanics (PhD)
  • James Johnstone: In-match Physiological Assessment of Elite Bowlers in Cricket (PhD)
  • Ashley Richardson: Biomechanics of the golf swing (PhD)
  • Sean Maloney: The effect of stiffness and asymmetries on change of direction speed (PhD)
  • Diogo Leal: The development of an exercise tool to highlight hormonal alterations when overreached to reduce the incidence of the overtraining syndrome (PhD)
  • Lyndsey Northeast: Three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of a simulated ankle sprain during static and dynamic activity (PhD)
  • Ben Maylor: The effects of breaking up prolonged sitting on cardiometabolic risk markers and appetite control (PhD)
  • Jack Wells: Establishing preferential training modalities aimed at maximising golfer’s clubhead speed (PhD)
  • Elizabeth Myers: Physical literacy and human flourishing: Creating meaningful physical education experiences (PhD)
  • Megan Williams: An examination of lower limb biomechanics and the closed kinetic chain (MPhil)*
  • Thomas Cresswell: Dynamic balance in alpine skiers (MPhil)*
  • Nesrine Dally: Sex differences in muscle activity and ground reaction forces during squat and landing manoeuvres (MSc by Research)
  • Joseph Brooks: The effect of acetominophen and ginger on exercise-induced pain and fatigue in the lower limbs of healthy young men (MSc by Research)
  • Stephanie White: Sedentary behaviour and cardiometabolic risk in children (MSc by Research)
  • Oliver Lilley: The Effects of Ankle Bracing and Footwear on the Dynamic Defence Mechanism following a Futsal Simulation. (MSc by Research)

Ongoing Research Supervision

  • Chris Long: Kinetic and kinematic variables relating to stability in elite Rugby Union (PhD): submitted July 2021
  • Diana Soares: Effects of shoe midsole thickness on postural stability in older adults (PhD): submits July 2023
  • Jordanne Hine: The influence of visual and auditory stimuli on postural control. (PhD): submits October 2023
  • Nicole Rafermati: Do high ambient temperatures affect physical performance and recovery during and following 120 min of simulated soccer compared with a temperate environment. (MSc by Research): submits September 2022

External Roles

  • Chair of the Division of Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour at the British Association for Sport & Exercise Sciences (BASES)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the International Ankle Consortium

External Examining

  • External examiner at AECC ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ College (Ongoing)
  • External examiner at ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ College London (Completed)
  • External examiner at Hartpury College (Completed)

Recent Publications

Book Chapter
  • Mitchell, A. (2016). Sports Injuries: Basic Classifications, Aetiology and Pathophysiology. In Routledge International Handbook of Sports Therapy, Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation. London: Routledge, pp1-40.
Funded Report
  • Chater, A.M., Kukucska, D., Wyld, K., Yates, J.D., Richards, J.C., Daniel P. Bailey, D.P., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2020). Police Health and Wellbeing: The PHeW Project. Understanding and improving the health behaviours and psychological wellbeing of the Bedfordshire Police Force. Funded by Kathryn Holloway, Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Bedfordshire Police.
  • Hawkey, A., Mitchell, A., Bampouras, T., Afzal, I., Collings, F. (2020). Postural variability: an answer to healthier home working. The Sport & Exercise Scientist, 65, 19.


  • Wells, J.E.T., Mitchell, A.C.S., Charalambous, L.H., Fletcher, I.M. (2022). Relationships between highly skilled golfers’ clubhead velocity and kinetic variables during a countermovement jump. Sports Biomechanics, https://doi.org/10.1080/14763141.2022.2041709
  • Yates, J.D., Aldous, J.W.F., Bailey, D.P., Chater, A.M., Mitchell, A.C.S., & Richards, J.C. (2021). The Prevalence and Predictors of Hypertension and the Metabolic Syndrome in Police Personnel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, (18), 6728.
  • Wells, J.E.T., Mitchell, A.C.S., Charalambous, L.H., Fletcher, I.M. (2020). Relationships between highly skilled golfers' clubhead velocity and vertical ground reaction force asymmetry during vertical jumps & an isometric mid-thigh pull. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 34(10), 2824-2831.
  • Charalambous, L.H., Champion, R.B., Smith, L.R., Mitchell, A.C.S., Bailey, D.P. (2019). Effects of Interrupting Prolonged Sitting with Treadmill Desk use on Postural Stability, International Journal of Sports Medicine, 40(13), 871-875.
  • Wells, J.E.T., Charalambous, L.H., Mitchell, A.C.S., Coughlan, D., Brearley, S.L., Hawkes, R.A., Murray, A.D., Hillman, R.G., Fletcher, I.M. (2019). Relationships between Challenge Tour Golfers’ clubhead velocity and force producing capabilities during a countermovement jump and isometric mid-thigh pull, Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(12), 1381-1386.
  • Northeast, L., Gautrey, C.N., Bottoms, L., Hughes, G., Mitchell, A.C.S., Greenhalgh, A. (2018). Full gait cycle analysis of lower limb and trunk kinematics and muscle activations during walking in participants with and without ankle instability. Gait & Posture, 64, 114-118.
  • Wells, J.E.T., Mitchell, A.C.S., Charalambous, L.H., Fletcher, I.M. (2018). Relationships between highly skilled golfers' clubhead velocity and force producing capabilities in vertical jumps & an isometric mid-thigh pull. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(16), 1847-1851.
  • Richardson, K. A., Mitchell, A. C. S., Hughes, G. (2018). The effect of movement variability on putting proficiency during the golf putting strokes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 13(4), 590-597.
  • Long, C., Daggett, L., Fletcher, I.M., Mitchell, A., Charalambous, L.H. (2019). Effects of inter-positional anthrompometric factors on balance and stability research in elite male rugby union players. Journal of Sport Sciences, 38-39, doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2018.1521633
  • Johnstone, J.A., Hughes, G., Mitchell, A.C.S., Ford, P.A., Watson, T., Duffield, R., Gordon, D., Roberts, J.D., Garrett, A.T. (2017). Accelerometery and Heart Rate Responses of Professional Fast-Medium Bowlers in One-Day and Multi-Day Cricket. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 16, 311-317.
  • Thain, P.K., Hughes, G., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2016). The effect of repetitive ankle perturbations on muscle reaction time and muscle activity. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 30, 184-190.
  • Richardson, K. A., Mitchell, A.C.S., Hughes, G. (2016). The effect of dimple error on the horizontal launch angle and side spin of the golf ball during putting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 16, 1-7.
  • Wells, J.E.T., Mitchell, A.C.S., Charalambous, L.H., Fletcher, I.M. (2016). Relationships between vertical ground reaction forces and clubhead speed in highly skilled golfers. International Journal of Golf Science, 5(Suppl.), S74.
  • Thain, P.K., Bleakley, C. M., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2015). Muscle Reaction Time During a Simulated Lateral Ankle Sprain After Wet-Ice Application or Cold-Water Immersion. Journal of Athletic Training, 50, 697-703.
  • Richardson, K. A., Mitchell, A.C.S., Hughes, G. (2015). Reliability of an experimental method to analyse the impact point on a golf ball during putting. Sports Biomechanics, 14, 206-215.
  • Mitchell, A.C.S., Brooks-Lynch, K. (2015). Centre of pressure excursion in footballers’ support limb when maximal instep shooting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(Suppl), 82-83.
  • Gautrey, C.N. Watson, T., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2014). The effect of localised and globalised fatigue on muscle latency in healthy and functionally unstable participants following a simulated ankle sprain. British Journal of Sports Medicine 48(7), 599.
  • Gautrey, C.N. Watson, T., Mitchell, A. C. S. (2014). The effect of localised and globalised fatigue on centre of pressure excursions in healthy and functionally unstable participants following a single leg drop jump landing; analysing a subconscious time period. British Journal of Sports Medicine 48(7), 598-599.
  • Gautrey, C.N. Watson, T., Mitchell, A. C. S. (2014). Test-retest reliability of three setup positions during isokinetic ankle inversion-eversion exercise. British Journal of Sports Medicine 48(7), 598.
  • Johnstone, J.A., Mitchell, A.C.S., Hughes, G., Watson, T., Ford, P.A., Garrett, A.T. (2014). The athletic profile of fast bowling in cricket: A review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28, 1465-1473.
  • Gautrey, C.N. Watson, T., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2014). Muscle latencies in healthy and functionally unstable participants following a simulated ankle sprain. British Journal of Sports Medicine 48(7), 598.
  • Gautrey, C.N. Watson, T., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2014). Centre of pressure excursions in healthy and functionally unstable participants following a single leg drop jump landing; analysing a subconscious time period. British Journal of Sports Medicine 48(7), 597-598.
  • Denyer, J., Hewitt, N., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2013). Foot structure and muscular reaction time to a simulated ankle sprain. Journal of Athletic Training, 48, 326-330.
  • Gautrey, C.N. Watson, T., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2013). The effect of isokinetic testing speed on the reliability of muscle fatigue indicators during a hip abductor-adductor fatigue protocol. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(7), 646-653.
  • Gautrey, C.N. Watson, T., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2013). Effect of velocity on load range during isokinetic hip abduction and adduction exercise. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(7), 623-630.
  • Johnstone, J.A., Hughes, G., Ford, P.A., Watson, T., Mitchell, A.C.S., Garrett, A.T. (2012). Field based reliability and validity of the Bioharness Multivariable monitoring device. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 11, 643-652.
  • Richardson, K.A., Hughes, G., Mitchell, A.C.S. (2012). Centre of pressure excursion during the golf putting stroke in low, mid and high handicap golfers. International Journal of Golf Science, 1, 127-139
  • Mitchell, A., Dyson, R., Hale, T., Abraham, A. (2008). Biomechanics of ankle instability. Part 1: Reaction time to simulated ankle sprain. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40(8), 1515–1521.
  • Mitchell, A., Dyson, R., Hale, T., Abraham, A. (2008). Biomechanics of ankle instability. Part 2: Postural sway-reaction time Relationship. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40(8), 1522–1528.

Other References

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Contact Details

T: +44 (0)1234 793363
E: andrew.mitchell@beds.ac.uk


School of Sport Science and Physical Activity
Faculty of Education, English and Sport
Bedford campus
Polhill Avenue
MK41 9EA

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