Dr Andrew Grantham

Senior Lecturer in Strategy

Andrew GranthamI am senior lecturer in strategy and sustainability at the Graduate School of Business (ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Business School). I am the author of a book entitled Sustainable Business Strategy: Analysis, Choice and Implementation (De Gruyter, 2022).

My expertise is in adapting business and corporate strategy to enable firms to meet internal and external sustainability objectives. The United Nations 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) are the template for businesses pursuing a sustainability policies. My focus is particularly on climate change and strategies for firms to mitigate (become net zero carbon emitters) and adapt (the climate is changing, what do firms need to do to thrive in a warmer and more unpredictable world?).

I have expertise in carbon/greenhouse gas (GHG) literacy and carbon accounting. I have knowledge concerning government policy relating to compliance with the Paris Agreement of 2015 (to become net-zero by 2050). For example, business challenges for across sectors such as aviation, steel, mining and fossil fuels more generally. I can comment on findings of, and reports from, the and the UK’s own

I can explain the circular economy – where inputs are the outputs from other processes, whether it be recycling, repurposing, remanufacturing. Whatever its form, it is zero waste and zero carbon.

Other References

  • Scholarly book website:


  • PhD, Privatisation and Reorganisation: Case Studies in Rail Policy Implementation, ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of East Anglia, 1998
  • Bachelor, BA Politics and Sociology, ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of East Anglia, 1992

Membership of Professional Bodies

  • British Academy of Management Peer Review College

Research Projects

For 13 years I worked exclusively in the Centre for Research in Innovation Management on a range of projects at different levels of analysis working with firms (mainly SMEs) and institutions (development agencies, the EU and memory institutions). Projects include:

  • continuous improvement in new product development processes (funder: EPSRC)
  • scenarios for mobile commerce (EU)
  • digitisation and cultural heritage (EU)
  • clustering of new media businesses (SEEDA)
  • (video) game development and process (EPSRC)
  • design management (Santander)


  • Grantham, A. (2022) Sustainable Business Strategy: Analysis, Choice and Implementation. De Gruyter.
  • Da Costa, I., Rush, H. & Grantham, A. (2015) Knowledge here, knowledge there: multilatinas and their European subsidiaries. Globelics.
  • Sapsed, J., Grantham, A. & Mateos-Garcia, J. (2014) How a new genre is generated. BAM2014 Proceedings. London, UK: BAM, p. 0-0
  • Hobday, M., Boddington, A. & Grantham, A. (2012) An innovation perspective on design: part 2. In: Design Issues. 28, 1, p. 18-29.
  • Hobday, M., Boddington, A. & Grantham, A. (2012) Policies for design and policies for innovation: contrasting perspectives and remaining challenges. In: Technovation. 32, 5, p. 272-281.
  • Hobday, M., Boddington, A. & Grantham, A. (2011) An innovation perspective on design: part 1. In: Design Issues. 27, 4, p. 5-15.
  • Sapsed, J., Mateos-Garcia, J. & Grantham, A. (2010) A Short-Circuits Model of Digital Content Creation. 26th EGOS Colloquium: Waves of Globalization.
  • Mateos-Garcia, J., Grantham, A., Sapsed, J., Steinmueller, E. W. & Voss, G. (2010) Sticking to their guns: the impact of the culture and organisational practices of video games studios on the technological trajectory of the console games sector. DRUID Summer Conference 2010 on Opening Up Innovation: Strategy, Organization and Technology. London, UK, p. 0-0.
  • Grantham, A., House, A., Gregory, S. & Knowles, D. (2009) Getting out of the Cul-de-Sac: Product searching in the days before cartography. National KTP Associates Conference.
  • Mateos-Garcia, J., Sapsed, J. & Grantham, A. (2008) Creating and Sustaining Genres in Cultural Products: Co-Evolution of Technology, Organisation and Markets in the Video Games Industry. DRUID 25th Anniversary Conference.
  • Kanellou, D., Grantham, A., Rodriguez Echavarria, K., Pletinchx, D. & Gottlieb, H. (2008) EPOCH Network of Expertise Centres as a mechanism for bridging the knowledge gap between cultural institutions and ICT professionals. EPOCH 2008 Conference on Open Digital Heritage Systems.
  • Kanellou, D., Grantham, A. & Rodriguez Echavarria, K. (2008) Learning Network as a mechanism for bridging the knowledge gap between European Cultural Institutions and Digital Technologies Professionals. GLOBELICS 6th International Conference 2008.
  • Grantham, A., Mateos-Garcia, J. & Sapsed, J. (2008) Prototype Workbook 7: The challenge of improving measurement and communication of project progress. Brighton, UK : CENTRIM.
  • Flowers, S., Mateos-Garcia, J., Sapsed, J., Nightingale, P., Grantham, A. & Voss, G. (2008) The new inventors: how users are changing the rules of innovation. London, UK: NESTA.
  • Sapsed, J., Mateos-Garcia, J. & Grantham, A. (2008) Upsetting and Settling-Down Genres: The role of organisation practice in the reproduction of cultural products. 24th EGOS Colloquium: Upsetting Organizations.
  • Sapsed, J., Grantham, A. & de Fillippi, R. (2007) A bridge over troubled waters: bridging organisations and entrepreneurial opportunities in emerging sectors. In: Research Policy. 36, 9, p. 1314-1334.
  • Kanellou, D. B., Grantham, A., Rodriguez Echavarria, K., Gottlieb, H. & Pletinckx, D. (2007) Bridging the knowledge gap between cultural heritage and information and communication technologies. CAA 2007: Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology.
  • Coles, R. L., Walsh, K., Mynors, D., Grantham, A., Chan, P. & Mohamed, S. (2007) Developing the concept of knowledge leakage in relation to UK productivity. In: International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. 6, 10, p. 7-14.
  • Grantham, A., Kanellou, D., Rodriguez Echavarria, K., Pletinchx, D. & Gottleb, H. (2007) Networks of Expertise Centres as a mechanism for ICT knowledge transfer. Heritage Impact 2007: 3rd International Conference on the Socio-Economic Impact of Cultural Heritage.
  • Souad, M., Coles, R., Mynors, D., Chan, P., Grantham, A. & Walsh, K. (2007) Understanding one aspect of the knowledge leakage concept among SMEs: people. In: International Journal of Electronic Business. 5, 2, p. 204-219.
  • Readman, J. & Grantham, A. (2006) Shopping for buyers of product development expertise: how video games developers stay ahead. In: European Management Journal. 24, 4, p. 256-289.
  • Grantham, A. & Readman, J. (2006) Strategy Positioning: Concepts and Application in the UK Electronic Games Industry. Strategic Cost Management - Concepts and Applications. Santanu, R. (ed.). Kolkata: ICFAI ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Press
  • Grantham, A. & Readman, J. (2005) Comparing Quality and Business Improvement Methodologies for Collaborative Working in the Product Development Process of SMEs. CI Net 2005.
  • Grantham, A. & Tsekouras, G. (2005) Diffusing wireless applications in a mobile world. In: Technology in Society. 27, 1, p. 85-104.
  • Grantham, A. & Tsekouras, G. (2004) Information society: wireless ICTs' transformative potential. In: Futures. 36, 3, p. 359-377.
  • Caffyn, S. & Grantham, A. (2003) Fostering continuous improvement within new product development processes. In: International journal of technology management. 26, 8, p. 843-856.
  • Grantham, A. & Tsekouras, G. (2002) The Global Information Age: Wireless technology's transformative potential in knowledge-based society. M-Business 2002.
  • Grantham, A. (2001) How networks explain unintended policy implementation outcomes: the case of UK rail privatization. In: Public administration. 79, 4, p. 851-870.
  • Greenaway, J. & Grantham, A. (2000) Transport Policy Paradigms at the Local Level: The Norwich Inner Ring Road. In: Public administration. 78, 4, p. 815-834.

Contact details

E: Andrew.Grantham@beds.ac.uk


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