Noel Douglas

Noel Douglas

I鈥檓 an internationally recognised Artist and Designer with over 30 years experience teaching and running my own studio. I have worked for a large range of commercial clients and creating my own art work for exhibition.

I work across a range of media and spaces from Street Art, Posters and Graphic Identities to Videos, Augmented Reality and Web based work, both for my own Art and with groups who need my Design skills, most recently I have worked with the group - a group of the bereaved survivors of the Grenfell Tower Fire - to develop large scale publicity campaigns for them.

My work has been shown in large scale museum exhibitions like the at the Design Museum and at the V&A, which had 500,000 visitors.

I have given talks on forms of creative resistance to audiences at art schools around the world, academic conferences, activist forums, museums like the V&A, and even rave festivals like BOOM festival in Portugal!

I鈥檓 the co-editor and author of the book published by Thames and Hudson. I鈥檓 the designer/author of the best selling playing cards set which sold 30,000 copies around the world.

I curate a number of websites, including which collects political Memes and which collects instances of when Advertising references Revolution.

I have been involved in a number of art and design collectives, in the 90s I was involved with who pioneered early web access in clubs and made one of the first ever live webcasts from a gig. More recently I have been the co founder of and been involved as a designer and participant in the group whose focus was to end Oil sponsorship in the Tate Museum through Art performances and lobbying, an aim it was successful in achieving.

My work is part of the collections of the V&A, the British Museum, the Museum of London and has been been featured in numerous articles and publications such as Adbusters magazine (Canada), Atlas magazine (USA), Art Monthly, Blueprint, Dazed and Confused, The Economist, The Guardian, Malababa (Spain), Mute, NME and Time Out and Viewpoint magazine.

I have over two decades experience an artist, designer, educator and organiser and activist within the Climate Justice movements globally.

In 2010, because of the explosion of volcanic ash in Iceland, I was one of the few Western delegates to be able to attend 'The World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth', this was a global gathering of civil society and governments hosted by the government of Bolivia in Tiquipaya, just outside the city of Cochabamba.

I have shown work and given talks at numerous People's Cop Summit's held during the UN COP Climate Summits in various cities around the World, and as part of artistic collectives addressed the issues of Climate Emergency, during the Paris COP summit in 2015 Noel was one of 82 artists who installed work in over 600 ad sites in Central Paris to highlight and protest the Corporate Sponsorship of the COP Summit.

I continue this work by supporting social movements with my creativity, most recently using my posters to help pressure groups achieve a ban on Fossil Fuel companies making misleading claims in their advertising and by helping the 天美传媒 led in the academic community on dealing with Climate Emergency. Most recently I have art directed the CHEAD/UAL/UOB produced Zine: Climate Justice Decolonising Carbonisation to be published in late 2023.

I鈥檓 proud to be from a working-class family and believe everyone should be able to express themselves and this is why I teach, to help others reach their full creative potential.

I鈥檓 also a musician and produce my own electronic music as Free Machine ( | ) and play guitar for the indie band

See more at my website:


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