Elise Wells - BSc (Hons) Social Work


Elise Wells

Why did you choose the 天美传媒?

I wanted somewhere that would be warm and inviting and I found this to be so at Bedford campus.

What has been the most challenging task you have accomplished in your degree?

My most challenging part of the degree has been to do presentations to groups of people. This seemed an insurmountable fear in year one but now in year three it appears a lot easier.

How did this course prepare you for employment?

The course has given me the confidence in my own abilities. It has helped me to develop my critical and analytical skills. The placements have stretched me beyond my comfort zones and helped me to realise that I can achieve in areas that I would not have attempted prior to the course. Working with others has helped me to recognise the importance of developing my leadership skills and my communicative skills with others.

Why would you recommend this course to others?

I have enjoyed every aspect of the course, even the modules I found challenging. Learning should never stop, it should be a lifelong process of acquiring new skills and honing present skills.

The tutors are great and so too is the peer support of your fellow students on a course like Social Work.

Which practical aspects of the course did you enjoy the most and why?

We had a lot of workshops from outside agencies that were informative and helpful. I loved having the Luton Tutors over sometime to add a bit of variety to our lecturers.

What did you like about the facilities?

The homely and welcoming atmosphere on campus is great and the Unit refectory is a great place to spend time chatting with colleagues. The quiet room in the library is great especially with a noisy and busy home full of people. It is a great place to escape to! is great when wanting somewhere to prepare for group presentations and the Theatre is a great space too.

Were the staff members supportive with your studies?

The tutors on the course are very 'human' on the social work course and make time whenever they are about on campus to see you whether it is for a coffee in break times or assignment support in their offices. The door is always open.

Apart from studying, what else about university did you enjoy?

The social aspect of the 天美传媒 is great. As a mature student it can be a little daunting thinking about returning to learning but on the Social Work degree there is a good mixture of people of all ages and we get on really well.

Which university services did you use most and why?

The library is well stocked and the librarians can always get books from outside in for you. The academic librarian is very helpful when you need support with assignment pointers.

I found SeedBeds helpful. On the course we had additional sessions about the importance of faith and culture which I attended and found really helpful.

I have accessed the counselling service when I was feeling particularly stressed trying to balance studying with a busy home life and that too was a good support.

Any advice for people thinking about studying at the 天美传媒?

If you like a home from home with friendly, warm and supportive tutors and staff, then come to Bedford campus.

What did you like most about living and studying in Bedfordshire?

The 天美传媒 is very accessible to main routes. This is really good for students that chose to live at home and commuting is easy.

What skills do you think you have learnt as a result of your studies at the 天美传媒?

Communication skills are the key skills that I have developed and how to make critical assessments to inform decisions in my working. It has helped me to think about why I am doing something rather than just doing it.

I have a lot more confidence now to try new things and this will lead to ongoing development. 

Why would you recommend the 天美传媒 to others?

Being a mature student being able to have a good work/home balance was essential. Knowing that I had tutors that would understand and support me as a mature adult learner with other commitments was an important part of my learning needs which was met well on the course. 

As I said previously, the size of the 天美传媒 makes it a homely environment where individuals' needs do not get lost in the busy life of university.

Any other comments?

I loved being at the 天美传媒 and enjoyed the challenges of every aspect of my learning journey over three years. The sense of accomplishment I have on completing my course is beyond words. I am looking forward to going on to the next stage of my learning journey after retraining to become a Social Worker and hope to continue in my learning as I progress to Post qualifying university courses.


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