Dr Christina Schwabenland

Reader in Organisational Behaviour

Director: Centre for Leadership Innovation

Christina Schwabenland

I spent over 25 years working in voluntary organisations, in a variety of management positions including chief executive and chair. I began to work on my PhD while I was CEO of the Elfrida Society, an organisation involved in service provision and policy development with people with learning difficulties.

My PhD explored the founding stories of voluntary organisations, both in the UK and in India. I enjoyed this so much that I moved into university teaching in 2004, teaching diversity management at London Metropolitan. I came to Bedfordshire in 2010.

Principal responsibilities include:


  • Senior Fellow: Higher Education Academy
  • Fellow: Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)

External relations

  • Chapter Lead for the UK Chapter of the Humanistic Management Network
  • Member of the editorial board Murmurations on-line journal
  • Board Member (from July 2018) SCOS (Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism
  • Reviewing for journals: including Organization, The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Power and Education and Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Management.
  • Lead convenor of the first panel session on critical approaches to researching the voluntary sector: International Conference of Critical Management Studies Naples, 2011
  • Member of the Affinity Group for Gender of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR)
  • Member of the Advisory Group for a research project on values in voluntary sector organisations carried out by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and published in 2009


  • 2008 MA Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (Distinction) - London Metropolitan 天美传媒
  • 2002 PhD - 天美传媒 of East London: Creation Mythology in Voluntary Organisations in the UK and India
  • 2000 People Based Development: Three-week course held at the Manavodaya Institute in Lucknow
  • 1996 MA (Distinction) Voluntary Sector Management - 天美传媒 of East London: dissertation Metaphors of Creativity in the Voluntary Sector
  • 1995 Level II Hindi - Institute of Linguists
  • 1984-87 Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Skills (part-time) - South West London College
  • 1978-79 Arts Administration - State 天美传媒 of New York
  • 1974-77 BA Hons - 天美传媒 of East Anglia: English history and literature

Research Interests

My primary research interest is in voluntary organisations and the ways in which they shape our understanding of what makes for the good society through sensemaking heuristics such as story and metaphor.

More specifically, I have been collaborating with a colleague for a number of years on a project exploring diversity management within the voluntary sector.

Recently I have focused primarily on issues regarding gender equality. Most of my work draws on a synthesis of constructionist, critical and postcolonial perspectives.

Keynote presentations

  • Keynote speaker: The Third Arab International Conference on Strategic Awareness and. Governance organised by Middle East 天美传媒, Jordan: 7 December 2021
  • Keynote speaker: Women in Academia: conference organised by the 天美传媒 of Jordan: January 2021
  • Keynote speaker: PRIA, New Delhi: Seminar on The nexus between civil society organisations and democratic engagement Chair: Rajesh Tandon, respondent: Dr Suhas Chakma, Director, Asian Centre for Human Rights: February 2016


Articles in Academic Journals

  • Stoica, I., Kavaratzis, M., Schwabenland, C and Haag, M. (2022) 鈥楶lace brand co-creation through story-telling: Benefits, risks and preconditions鈥 Tourism and. Hospitality 3 (1), 15-30
  • Schwabenland, C. and Hirst, A. (2021). 鈥楽olidarity with Soufra: Dividuality and joint action with. Palestinian women refugees鈥 Organization:
  • Schwabenland, C. and Hirst, A, (2020) 鈥楬ybrid accountability and managerial agency in the third sector鈥 Public Administration DOI: 10.1111/padm.12568
  • Hirst, A. and Schwabenland, C. (2017) 'Doing Gender in the "New Office"' Gender, Work and Organization doi: 10.1111/gwao.1200
  • Schwabenland, C. and Tomlinson, F. (2015) 'Shadows and Light: Diversity Management as Phantasmagoria' Human Relations 68/12: 1913-1936
  • Schwabenland, C. (2015) 'Discursive Strategies for Navigating the Terrain Between the Sacred and Profane' Culture and Organization 21/1: 59-77
  • Wilson, K. and Schwabenland, C. (2012) 鈥業nternational and Intra-national Cultures in Organizations: Overlapping or Contested Terrains? Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives in Science and Practice 5/3: 357-361
  • Schwabenland, C. (2011) 鈥楽urprise and Awe: Learning from Indigenous Managers鈥 Journal of Management Education 35/1: 138-153
  • Tomlinson, F. and Schwabenland, C. (2010) 鈥楥onciliating Competing Discourses of Diversity: The UK Non-profit Sector Between Social Justice and the Business Case.鈥 Organization 17/1: 101-121
  • Schwabenland, C (2009) The Use of Disruption as a Pedagogical Intervention, in Educational Action Research 17/2: 293-309
  • Schwabenland, C. and Tomlinson, F. (2008) 鈥楳anaging Diversity or Diversifying Management?鈥 Critical Perspective on International Business 4 /2: 320-333
  • Schwabenland, C. (2006) 鈥楾he Influence of Cultural Heritage on Students鈥 Willingness to Engage in Peer Assessment鈥 in Investigations in 天美传媒 Teaching and Learning 3/2: 100-109


  • Schwabenland, C., Lange, C., Onyx, J. and Nakagawa, S. (eds.) (2016) Women's Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations: Challenging or Maintaining the Status Quo? Bristol: Policy Press
  • Schwabenland, C. (2012) Metaphor and Dialectic in Managing Diversity Palgrave
  • Schwabenland, C. (2006) Stories, Visions and Values in Voluntary Organisations: Ashgate
  • Schwabenland, C. (ed.) (2003) Participation North and South: New Ideas in Participatory Development from India and the UK, The Elfrida Press, London
  • Schwabenland, C. (ed.) (2000) Relationships in the Lives of People with Learning Difficulties, The Elfrida Press, London

Chapters in Edited Books

  • Johnson, J. and Schwabenland, C. (Jan. 2013) 鈥楳anaging Diverse Identities at Work鈥 Perkins, S. and Arvinen Muondo. R. (eds.) Organizational Behaviour Kogan Page
  • Schwabenland, C. (November 2012) 鈥楿sing Poetics in Teaching Diversity鈥 McIntosh, P. And Warren, D. (eds.) Creativity in the Classroom: Case Studies in Using Arts in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Intellect Publishing
  • Schwabenland, C. (2012)鈥楽wachh Narayani: The Creation of a Goddess as an Organisational Intervention鈥 in Against the Grain: Advances in Postcolonial Organisation Studies A. Prasad (ed.) Liber/ Copenhagen Business School Press: 73-94
  • Schwabenland, C. (2008) 鈥楻epresentations of the Ideal as Symbols of Subversion鈥 in Mythical Inspirations for Organisational Realities M. Kostera (ed.) Palgrave Macmillan
  • Schwabenland, C. (2006) 鈥Stories, Mythmaking and the Consolation of Success鈥 in Discourse, Power and Identity Trentham Press
  • Schwabenland, C. (2006)鈥 Founding Stories as Creation Myths鈥, in Brewis, J., Linstead, S., Boje, D. and O鈥橲hea, T. (eds.) The Passion of Organizing, Copenhagen: Liber / Copenhagen Business School Press
  • Schwabenland,C. (2003) 鈥楾owards A Paradigm Shift: Lessons from anti-oppression movements鈥 in C. Schwabenland (ed.) London: The Elfrida Press
  • Schwabenland, C. (1993) 鈥楨lfrida Rathbone, a Case 天美传媒 in Contracting鈥, in J. Bornot (ed.) Community Care, A Reader, Open 天美传媒 Press (updated as Contracts Five Years On, 1996)

Other Publications

  • Nangle, M., Schwabenland, C. and Springett, N. (2011) Questioning Leadership Occasional paper for the Centre of Leadership Innovation, 天美传媒
  • Schwabenland, C (2009) 鈥業dentity鈥, in Encyclopaedia of Civil Society Anheier, H. (Ed.) Springer
  • Schwabenland, C. 鈥榁inoba Bhave鈥 in Encyclopaedia of Hinduism Cush, D., Robinson, C. and York, M. (eds.) Routledge
  • Schwabenland, C. (2004) 鈥楿topias, Dystopias and the Paradox of Compliance鈥 published volume of selected conference papers International Society for Third Sector Research www.istir.org
  • Schwabenland, C. (1995) 鈥楳anaging Creativity鈥 Third Sector This essay won second prize in the Catherine Luyster Award sponsored by Compass Partnership and Third Sector
  • Schwabenland, C. (1994) 鈥楥ommunity Care in Islington鈥 Needs Assessment London: LVSC
  • Schwabenland, C. (1993) article on Equal Opportunities bought (but not published) by The Guardian
  • Schwabenland, C. (1992) `Consultation in Community Care鈥 in Community Care Planning, London: LVSC: published submission to the Social Services Inspectorate.
  • Conference Papers
  • Schwabenland, C. (2022 on-line) 鈥楲eadership approaches to crisis management鈥 BMRI Annual Conference: 10 January 2022
  • Schwabenland, C. (2021b on-line)Strengthening resilience amongst Palestinian women living in refugee camps in Lebanon鈥 International Society for Third Sector Research 14 July 2021
  • Schwabenland. C. (2021a on-line) 鈥楥are or Support: New efforts to reclaim 鈥榗are鈥 as a unifying/ organising principle鈥 Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism 6 July, 2021 Hirst, A. and Schwabenland, C. (2021 on-line) 鈥楥omplicating the boundary: liminal placemaking in Palestinian refugee camps鈥 Gender, Work and Organization Conference June 30/6/21
  • Schwabenland, C., Boncori, I., Slater, R. and Mackenzie, B. (2020 online) 鈥楻eflecting. and learning in lockdown鈥 Humanistic Management Network annual international conference: Geneva 6/11/20
  • Schwabenland, C. and Hirst, A. (2020: postponed to 2021) 鈥楽trengthening resilience amongst Palestinian women living in refugee camps in Lebanon鈥 International Society for Third Sector Research Montreal
  • Schwabenland, C. and Hirst, A. (2019b) 鈥楥ooking with ghosts鈥 Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism (SCOS) York
  • Schwabenland, C. and Hirst, A. (2019a) 鈥楥ookbooks with attitude: The entangling of food, aesthetics and activism鈥 International Critical Management Studies Conference Milton Keynes
  • Schwabenland, C. (2019) 鈥楿sing Lego serious play in developing EDI curriculum鈥 The Fifth Workshop on Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion: Copenhagen Business School
  • Schwabenland, C. (2018b) 鈥楩ood as art and organization鈥 Arts and Management in Organization Brighton
  • Schwabenland, C. and Hirst, A. (2018) 鈥楽oufra: A case study of a women鈥檚 social enterprise鈥 International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) Amsterdam
  • Schwabenland, C. (2018) 鈥楻esilience, resistance and recipes鈥 Gender, Work and Organization Sydney
  • Schwabenland, C. (2017a) 鈥業ntroductory Attempts at Analysing Palestinian Women鈥檚 Organisations Through a Hermeneutic Lens鈥 Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS) Rome
  • Schwabenland, C. (2017b) 鈥楶oetic Logic in Research Analysis鈥 European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Leuvan
  • Schwabenland, C. (2016a) 鈥楧oing, Undoing and Redoing Gender: Implications for Women鈥檚 Organisations鈥 International Society for Third Sector Research Stockholm
  • Schwabenland, C. (2016b)Reclaiming Agency in the Provision of Support Services鈥 International Society for Third Sector Research Stockholm
  • Schwabenland, C. (2016c) 鈥楢n 鈥淥rdinary Life鈥 for People with Learning Disabilities: Discursive Strategy, Symbolic Resource or Surrogate for Service Failure?鈥 Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS) Uppsala
  • Schwabenland, C. (2015a) 鈥楶ractitioners and Managers: Sharing Dialogue or Talking at Cross Purposes?鈥 Critical Management Studies Leicester
  • Schwabenland, C. (2015b) 鈥楩rom the Pre-Raphaelites to the Bauhaus: Drawing on the Arts and Crafts Movements to Rethink the Relationship Between 鈥楬ome鈥 and 鈥榃ork鈥 Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism Nottingham Trent 天美传媒
  • Schwabenland, C. (2015c) 鈥榃hose Service is it Anyway?鈥 Inaugural Conference of the Journal of Intercultural Communications CUNY, New York City
  • Schwabenland, C. (2014a) 鈥楾he Dilemmas and Paradoxes of Making Research Accessible to Practitioners鈥 Researching the Voluntary Sector Sheffield
  • Schwabenland, C. (2014b) 鈥楾he Role of Civil Society Organisations in Women鈥檚 Emancipation: Challenging or Maintaining the Status Quo? (Panel convenor) International Society for Third Sector Research Muenster, Germany
  • Schwabenland, C. (2014c) 鈥楻einterpreting or Re-appropriating Sacred Iconography鈥 International Society for Third Sector Research Muenster, Germany
  • Schwabenland, C. (2014d) 鈥楻eligion: Barring or Enabling Women鈥檚 Participation? (Panel convenor) International Society for Third Sector Research Muenster, Germany
  • Schwabenland, C. (2014e) 鈥楧eveloping an Iconography of Subversion鈥 32ndStanding Conference on Organizational Symbolism Utrecht, Netherlands,
  • Schwabenland, C. (2014f) 鈥楻esearchers and Practitioners: Colleagues or Strangers?鈥 Discourse, Power and Resistance 天美传媒 of Greenwich
  • Schwabenland, C. (2013) 鈥楾heorising the Role of Civil Society Organisations in Women鈥檚 Emancipation: An International Perspective鈥 paper presented at the International Critical Management Studies Conference July 2013: Manchester
  • Schwabenland, C. and Tomlinson, F. (2013) 鈥楢 Framework for Incorporating Human Rights Into Diversity Management in the UK Voluntary Sector鈥 paper presented at the Gender and Diversity stream of the EGOS annual conference July 2013: Montreal
  • Schwabenland, C. and Tomlinson, F. (2012a)鈥 Diversity Management as Phantasmagoria鈥 paper presented at the Bi-annual conference of the International Society of Third Sector Research (ISTR) Siena, July
  • Hirst, A. And Schwabenland, C. (2012b) 鈥楬iding in plain sight: The sociospatial construction of gendered identities in the 鈥榥ew office鈥: paper presented at the European Group on Organization Studies (EGOS) annual conference: Helsinki, July
  • Schwabenland, C. (2012c) 鈥楩orm and Function: Voluntary Organisations Working Across Divided Communities鈥 Sociology of Religion subgroup; British Association of Sociology Annual Conference 天美传媒 of Chester, 2012. March
  • Schwabenland, C. (2012d) 鈥榁oluntary Organisations Working Across Divided Communities in India, Israel and Ireland鈥 International Conference on Management, Spirituality and Religion Indian Institute of Management Bangalore: 2012, January
  • Schwabenland, C. (2011a) 鈥楧iscursive Strategies Adopted by Voluntary Organisations Working Across Divided Communities鈥 International Critical Management Studies Conference Naples: July 2011
  • Tomlinson, F. and Schwabenland, C. (2011b) 鈥楧ilemmas of Doing Diversity in the UK Voluntary Sector鈥 International Critical Management Studies Conference Naples: July 2011
  • Schwabenland, C. (2010a) 鈥楻eframing the other鈥 Inaugural conference of the Society of Religion, Spirituality and Management, Vienna 10-11 December
  • Schwabenland, C. (2010b) 鈥業n Search of Frames of Sensitivity鈥 Tenth conference of the International Society of Third Sector Research Istanbul, July 2010
  • Schwabenland, C. (2010c) Panel Convenor; 鈥楲ooking After Each Other鈥 panel of papers presented as part of a programme of work of the Affinity Group for gender Tenth conference of the International Society of Third Sector Research Istanbul, July 2010
  • Schwabenland, C. (2009a) 鈥楳etaphor as a bridge between theory and practice in the managing of diversity鈥 Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism Copenhagen
  • Schwabenland, C. (2009b) 鈥楾he Importance of Reinventing the Wheel鈥 Critical Management Studies (Warwick)Schwabenland, C (2008a) An Exploration into the relevance of postgraduate study for people working in the voluntary sector International Society for Third Sector Research, Barcelona
  • Schwabenland, C. (2008b) 鈥楳etaphorical Thinking as a Critical Capacity for Managing Diversity 鈥 Human Development and Capability Association, Delhi
  • Schwabenland, C. (2008c) Metaphor and Management Discourse, Power and Resistance, Manchester
  • Schwabenland, C. (lead author) and Tomlinson, F. (2007a) 鈥楳anaging Diversity; Diversity in Management?鈥 Critical Management Studies postcolonial stream: Manchester
  • Schwabenland, C. (lead author) and Tomlinson, F. (2007b) 鈥楽tories of Diversity鈥 Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism (SCOS) Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Schwabenland, C. (2007c) 鈥楾he Use of Disruption as Pedagogical Intervention鈥 Discourse, Power and Resistance Manchester
  • Schwabenland, C. (2006) 鈥楻epresentations of the Ideal as Symbols of Subversion鈥 Discourse, Power and Resistance Manchester
  • Schwabenland, C. (2006) 鈥楽wacch Narayani: The construction of gender as representation of the ideal鈥 International Society for Third Sector Research Bangkok
  • Schwabenland, C. (2006) Is there a female culture in third sector organisations? (panel chair) International Society for Third Sector Research Bangkok
  • Schwabenland, C. (2005) 鈥楽tories, Mythmaking and Consolation鈥 Discourse, Power and Resistance, Plymouth
  • Schwabenland, C. (2005) 鈥楽wacch Narayani; the creation of a goddess as an organisational intervention鈥 Gender, Work and Organisation Keele
  • Schwabenland, C. (2005) 鈥楽wacch Narayani: a subversive goddess?鈥 Critical Management Studies, Cambridge
  • Schwabenland, C. (2004) 鈥楩ounders stories as Utopian Tales鈥 22nd Standing Conference in Organisational Symbolism Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Schwabenland, C. (2004) Utopias, Dystopias and the Paradox of Compliance鈥 International Society for Third Sector Research, Toronto
  • Schwabenland, C. (2004) Utopias, Dystopias and the Paradox of Compliance鈥 NCVO: Researching the Voluntary Sector Sheffield
  • Schwabenland, C. (2003)`How Voluntary Sector Chief Executives Use the Organisation鈥檚 Founding Stories as a Heuristic in the Interpretation of Experience鈥, 21st Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, Cambridge, July.
  • Schwabenland, C. (2002a) `How Chief Executives Use the Founding Stories as a Heuristic in Sensemaking鈥, NCVO Research Conference, Nottingham, UK:
  • Schwabenland, C. (2002b) 鈥楬ow Chief Executives Use the Founding Stories as a Heuristic in Sensemaking鈥 ARNOVA Conference, Montreal, Canada
  • Schwabenland, C. (2001a) ` Founding Stories as Creation Mythology in Voluntary Organisations in the UK and India鈥 Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK.
  • Schwabenland, C. (2001b) ` How do Chief Executives in India and the UK Conceptualise Social Change?鈥 NCVO Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference, London, UK
  • Schwabenland, C. (2001c) 鈥楧iffering Conceptions of Social Change鈥 Association of Third Sector Research in India Conference, Delhi, India.
  • Schwabenland, C. (2000a) ` Voluntary Sector Chief Executives and Organisational Founding Stories鈥, paper presented to the Society of Indian Philosophy and Religion Conference, Calcutta, India.
  • Schwabenland, C. (2000b) `The Voluntary Sector, The Community Sector, The Development Sector: Alternative or Conflicting Metaphors?鈥 paper presented to the NCVO Research Conference, Birmingham, UK.
  • Schwabenland, C. (1999a) 鈥楥reation Mythology in Voluntary Organisations in the UK and India, NVCO Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference, Loughborough, UK
  • Schwabenland, C. (1999b) `Definitions or Attributes? Metaphors of the Voluntary Sector鈥, paper presented to the ARNOVA Annual Conference, Washington DC.
  • Schwabenland, C. (1998) `Creation Mythology in the Voluntary Sector in the UK and India鈥, paper presented to the Association for Research into Non-profit and Voluntary Associations (ARNOVA) Annual Conference, Seattle WA.
  • Schwabenland, C. (1997) `Metaphors of Creativity in the Voluntary Sector鈥, European Institute of Advanced Management Studies Conference, Leuvan, Belgium.
  • Schwabenland, C. (1996) 鈥楳etaphors of Creativity in the Voluntary Sector, NVCO Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference, Birmingham, UK

Contact details

E: christina.schwabenland@beds.ac.uk


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