Exams - Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can search for answers to some of the exams teams most frequently asked questions:

If you are taking a FlowAssign exam that is completed online and remotely, you are expected to convert your Word Document where you fill in your answers to a PDF.

To create a PDF from your MS Word document please see this

You MUST do this before the end of your allotted exam time or you risk not having your exam script marked.

If after attempting this you are not able to convert your document to a PDF and get this uploaded in time, you are permitted to email your completed script with your name, student ID number and the Unit Code to exams@beds.ac.uk providing this is received by the team within 1 hour of the end of your exam.

We advise that once you have saved your work you do not edit the document again so as to preserve the "last modified" date/time stamp.

You MUST contact exams@beds.ac.uk as soon as possible to alert the team of your issue. This must be done during your exam and not after the upload deadline, the Exams team cannot offer support after this time.

When you email the exams team you need to include as much of the following information as possible to allow the team to look into your issue (Please send the email from your 天美传媒 email address where you are able):

  • Full Name (As stated on your ID card)
  • Student ID Number
  • Unit Code
  • Location of 天美传媒 (Course)

Once your email has been received a member of our team will reach out to you to offer support. Please try not to panic, all exams have an additional 30 minutes included into their run time which is there to allow for technical issues to be resolved during the exam.

For details on when you will be expected to complete your mitigated exam, you will need to speak to the unit tutor. They will also need to see evidence that your mitigation has been approved.

You can do this by forwarding the approval email from the mitigation team to them.

Please contact the Examinations Office by emailing exams@beds.ac.uk from your 天美传媒 email address.

Please include:

  • Your Name
  • Student ID number
  • The Unit you are not seeing

A member of the exams team will then respond to you.

Please note that it is the responsibility of all students to make sure that they can attend their exams.

This means arranging transport and ensuring that delays do not cause lateness, checking the time, date and location on BREO, and making sure that no holidays are scheduled during the exam period.

This also means ensuring that they are available to take resit exams during the published resit period should they fail the exam.

Under normal circumstances, therefore, exams cannot be rescheduled.

If you cannot attend due to Mitigating Circumstances e.g. illness then please make an application to the Mitigation team. Should there be an exceptional reason why attending on a particular day is not possible for you, then you should arrange an appointment to discuss this with the Student Engagement team to determine whether an exception could be made.

Students will not be permitted to enter an exam after the scheduled start time.

Students are advised to arrive at exams 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time if they are sitting an exam on campus.

If you have mitigating circumstances that prevented you from being able to attend by the start time of the exam, you will not be permitted entry into the exam room but will be advised to apply for mitigating circumstances.

For more advice please visit the Student Support section and speak to the Student Engagement and Mitigation teams.

For students taking exams on site, In the event of an emergency evacuation, you must follow the instructions of the senior invigilator at all times. You will be required to file out in an orderly fashion. Do not speak or communicate with other students. If you are seen to be speaking to colleagues this may result in an accusation of cheating made against you. Wherever possible examinations will reconvene following an emergency evacuation. Examiners will be notified of the disruption to examinations. The 天美传媒 will ensure that the relevant exam boards are aware of the disruption. You are not required to take any further action.

In the event of severe weather such as snow, candidates are required to check BREO and the main 天美传媒 website for updates and further instructions. Candidates are advised to make every effort to attend examinations unless instructed otherwise. Examination sessions will recommence as soon as possible after the disruption.

For students taking exams remotely, if you are impacted by an emergency that causes disruption to your exam please inform the team as soon as possible at exams@beds.ac.uk and they will provide you details of the next steps.

Links to access your exam are usually sent out approximately 24hrs before an exam is set to sit. They will be sent to your student email address (firstname.surname@study.beds.ac.uk).

Sometimes these emails will be picked up by the SPAM detector so remember to check your junk folder.

If for some reason you still cannot find it, rest assured, you will still be able to access your exam by directly.

Remember to click "search for your institution" and then type in Bedfordshire

Then click the Microsoft button and log in with your student email address (firstname.surname@study.beds.ac.uk)

The password will be the same as the one you use to access BREO. If you have forgotten your password you will need to do a

Students are expected to arrive early to their exam. Please familiarise yourself with the exam location prior to the exam day.

Please note, students are required to arrive 30 minutes before the start of their exam. Exam doors will close 5 minutes prior to the start time and students will not be permitted in the room to sit their exam.

Ensure you have your username and password before you enter the exam room. If you have forgotten your password please use the self-service

If you have not found the answer to your exams question here, please email exams@beds.ac.uk and a member of our team will be happy to answer it for you.


天美传媒 switchboard
During office hours
(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1234 400 400

Outside office hours
(Campus Watch)
+44 (0)1582 74 39 89



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