2018 CRELLA Summer Research Seminar

2018 Summer Seminar participants

11th July 2018

Evelina Galaczi (Head of Research Strategy, Cambridge Assessment English)

Tests, Tasks, Technology - PDF 5.1 MB

Nahal Khabbazbashi, Daniel Lam, Sathena Chan (CRELLA), Trevor Breakspear (British Council China Assessment Solutions Team), Xiaoyi Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong 天美传媒)

A systematic approach to bringing learning and technology together: the case of speaking

Alex Thorp (Lead Academic, Language (Europe), Trinity College London) and Ben Beaumont (TESOL Qualifications Manager, Trinity College London)

Approaches to building teacher assessment literacy to facilitate positive washback - PDF 11.9 MB

Jamie Dunlea (Assessment Research Group, British Council)

Addressing issues in implementing the CEFR in education reform: the role of language testing researchers - PDF 1.6 MB

Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Tony Green, Chihiro Inoue (CRELLA)

Relating a speaking teaching programme to the CEFR: methodological considerations

Aylin 脺nald谋 (Bogazici 天美传媒/CRELLA)

Integrating writing assessment research in the training of raters for reflective thinking and assessment


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire



+44 (0)1582 489086
