CRELLA research projects

Research Projects

  • : The impact of Generative AI on academic language use: evidence from student practices and experiences
  • : A review of Reading indices for automated text analysis
  • : Review of the CEFR alignment of the Welsh for adults examinations

  • : The British Council Audit of critical features of Junior High School English textbooks in Japan
  • : Aptis Writing in real-life conditions : the impact of allowing access to spelling and grammar checking
  • : Tokyo Metropolitan Government Speaking test trial analyses - Phase 1
  • : Tokyo Metropolitan Government Speaking test trial analyses - Phase 2
  • : An investigation of how generative AI and tools such as Chat-GPT are used by language teachers
  • : Uruguay CEFR-linking
  • : BESTEP Speaking - CEFR benchmarking
  • : Relating LanguageCert examinations to the Canadian Benchmarks

  • : The British Council (Future of English): Digitally-mediated EMI communication in Higher Education classrooms: Transforming evidence to practical resources
  • : Critical review of task designs for speaking rests for lower proficiency learners
  • : (ARAG Assessment Research Grant): Towards new task types in a digital age: Perspectives from different educational contexts
  • : A comprehensive review and audit of special arrangements offered to IELTS test-takers with accessibility requirements: Safeguarding equity, access and inclusion
  • : Comparing IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 (ATW2) on computer and tablet: Test takers’ writing processes, performance and perception
  • : BC EnglishScore Knowledge Transfer Partnership
  • (Policy Support Fund): Ceibal en Inglés Online National Speaking Test – Exploring the quality of the test-taker output language under online and face-to-face conditions
  • : Relationship between TOEFL iBT and academic writing practices in English medium universities in South Asia

  • : (ARAG Assessment Research Grant): Towards building an automated scoring model for assessing appropriate use of metadiscourse markers in Aptis Writing across CEFR levels: A multidisciplinary study
  • : Innovation in English language education in Japan: Reforming university entrance examinations
  • : Identifying types of reading elicited by the multi-text reading passage questions of the MET: An eye-tracking investigation
  • : Investigating the time extension accommodation for dyslexic test-takers
  • : An examination of content-related features of source text input and spoken output in an integrated speaking task
  • : Exploring the dynamic relationship between Dr GEPT feedback and learners’ motivation
  • : Enhancing ways to score summary responses on PTE academic integrated tasks: Comparing candidates’ performances across multiple modalities
  • : A longitudinal examination of English language improvement in a Mexican Higher education

  • : Content of speech as part of the IELTS Speaking Test construct: scale design and development
  • : The road to understanding in lecture listening: Cognitive processes engaged in the integration of auditory and textual information
  • : Defining the construct of Academic English in the digital age
  • : Comparability study of Eiken Grade 1 face-to-face and computer-based speaking test
  • : Comparing discourse features elicited in the face-to-face and CBT-Recorded modes of the Eiken Speaking Test Grade 1Ìý
  • : Analysing language functions in the British Council-Lancaster Aptis Corpus
  • : Validating the methodology of text analysis.
  • : Analysis and research for OTE voicemail taskÌýÌý

  • : EnglishScore free mobile English test development programme
  • BCERA: EAP Assessment project for Beijing College English Research Association
  • : Exploring the potential for assessing interactional and pragmatic competence in the Aptis Speaking Test
  • : Investigating the cognitive processes of B1, B2 and C1 students on listening and reading tasks: An eye-tracking study
  • : How are IELTS scores set and used for university admissions selection: A cross-institutional case study
  • : Academic speaking construct in the digital age
  • :ÌýThe development and validation of an online speaking test for young learnersÌý
  • : Review of methods in a standard setting study to establish the minimum passing standard on the Writing compound of a ESP test

  • : Redeveloping the Primary English Adaptive Test in Uruguay: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading & Listening
  • (ARAG Assessment Research Grant): Towards a model of multi-dimensional performance of C1 level speakers assessed in the Aptis Speaking Test
  • (ARAG Assessment Research Grant): Investigating the textual features and revising processes of EFL and L1 English writers
  • : Construct definition of speaking for secondary school students in China
  • : An examination of the impact of a blended language learning initiative on learners’ speaking performance
  • : Language learning gains among users of English Liulishuo
  • : An investigation of the features of effective summary writing elicited byÌýreading-writing and listening-writing tasks
  • : LanguageCert International ESOL examinations and the Common European Framework of Reference

  • : A critical review of the research literature pertaining to the IELTS Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking tests 1990-2015
  • : Towards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voices.
  • : The effects of extended planning time on candidates’ performance and cognitive processes in the TOEFL iBT integrated speaking (lecture listening-into-speaking) tasks.
  • : Enhancing learning-oriented feedback for Cambridge English: First paired interactions.
  • and SRT Education: Developing and validating an online and mobile learning-oriented assessment platform for Chinese learners of English.
  • Validation of the Primary English Adaptive Test in Uruguay and its results: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading & Listening
  • : Linking the IELTS test to the Course of ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ for high schools in Japan
  • Review of the Speaking and Writing Components of the Global Test of English Communication Computer-based Testing (GTEC CBT) for Japanese ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Entrants
  • The Cambridge Malaysian Education and Development Trust (CMEDT): Review of CATs and development of a comparative product framework
  • : Relating a speaking teaching programme to the CEFR

  • : Learning-oriented feedback in the development and assessment of interactional competence.
  • (ARAG Assessment Research Grant): Scoring Validity of the Aptis Speaking test: Investigating Fluency across Tasks and Levels of Proficiency
  • : Developing open access online courses on language assessment for language teachers. Download handbook here
  • (Taiwan): GEPT Speaking-CEFR Benchmarking project.
  • : Examining the cognitive validity of the new ISE Reading/Writing paper

  • : Researching the cognitive processes of candidates taking IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 (AWT2) in paper mode and in computer mode, in terms of cognitive validity and cognitive equivalence
  • : An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, video and audio rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test
  • (Taiwan): Examining the cognitive validity of the GEPT High-Intermediate and Advanced Reading: An eye tracking study
  • : Revision of The EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency
  • : Impact study project at Ural Federal ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ in Ekaterinburg

  • : The impact of single and double play listening on candidate behaviour in tests of L2 listening
  • : Exploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing delivery
  • (Civil Aviation Authority): Safely Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) Language Assessment (Phases 1-2)
  • : Computer-based analysis of metadiscourse in candidates' writing at Cambridge FCE, CAE, CPE levels
  • : Introducing opportunities for learning-oriented assessment to large-scale speaking tests
  • : Developing and validating the Test of English for Academic Purposes (TEAP)Ìý
  • : Password Reading, Speaking and Listening
  • : Password Maintenance
  • (General Medical Council): Establishing equivalence of English language tests for medical registration and licensing
  • : Integrated Skills in English (ISE): Test development/validation project
  • : Examining the contextual and cognitive validity of the GEPT advanced writing test

  • : Comparing impact of modifying long-turn speaking task in Aptis for teenagers
  • : Eiken test review project
  • : TEAP Washback Project - A review of the washback concept in language education with particular implications for Japan and the EIKEN foundation of Japan organisation
  • Ltd: Password - Testing the English Language Skills of international Students at the Foundation level
  • : Examining the criterion-related validity of the GEPT advanced reading and writing tests: Comparing GEPT with IELTS and real-life academic performance
  • : Project to relate the Versant placement test to the CEFRÌý
  • TEMPUS IV Promoting sustainable excellence in testing and assessment of EnglishÌý
  • : Consultancy for Trinity English TestÌý

  • / IELTS: New Insights into cognitive processes: researching IELTS reading tasks though eye-tracking technology (Year 2)
  • / ELTRPA: Researching cognitive processes during computer-based reading tests (Year 2)
  • Developing assessment literacies and practice in Singapore schools
  • : Researching capacity of Thai Nguyen ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ and Hai Phong ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½, Vietnam, in terms of its readiness for internationalisation
  • and NCK ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Taiwan: Researching capacity of NCK ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½, Taiwan, in terms of its readiness for internationalisation
  • : Introducing opportunities for learning-oriented assessment to large-scale speaking tests (Year 1)
  • : Researching Cambridge language test in terms of their metadiscourse features at difference levels (Year 1)
  • :Textual features of CAE reading texts: CAE texts compared with reading texts from FCE, CPE and IELTS and with essential undergraduate textbooks (Year 2)
  • : TEAP Speaking Project - Developing and validating a speaking component of a new admission test for Japanese colleges and universities (Year 2)
  • : TEAP Writing Project - Developing and validating a writing component of a new admission test for Japanese colleges and universities (Year 2)
  • : TEAP Reading and Listening Project – Reviewing a reading and listening components of a new admission test for Japanese colleges and universities
  • : TEAP Washback Project - A review of the washback concept in language education with particular implications for Japan and the EIKEN foundation of Japan organisation (Year 2)
  • Ltd: Password - Testing the English Language Skills of international Students at the Foundation level (Year 5)
  • : Pathways Al Rowdah Academy General English Project
  • (Taiwan): GEPT Writing project-cognitive processing: Examining the contextual and cognitive validity of the GEPT Advanced Level writing task (Year 1)
  • (Taiwan): Examining the criterion-related validity of the GEPT advanced reading and writing tests: Comparing GEPT with IELTS and real-life academic performance (Year 2)
  • :CEFR-J development project
  • : Project to relate the Versant placement test to the CEFR (Year 1)
  • TEMPUS IV Promoting sustainable excellence in testing and assessment of English (Year 2)
  • : Consultancy for Trinity English Test (Year 1)

  • / IELTS: New Insights into cognitive processes: researching IELTS reading tasks though eye-tracking technology (Year 1)
  • / ELTRPA: Researching cognitive processes during computer-based reading tests (Year 1)
  • /IELTS: The relationship between test-takers' listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking test (Year 2)
  • ): Advising the ministry of Education, Malaysia on Classroom-based assessment
  • : Investigating learner' cognitive processes during computer-based CAE reading tests (Year 2)
  • : Textual features of CAE reading texts: CAE texts compared with reading texts from FCE, CPE and IELTS and with essential undergraduate textbooks (Year 1)
  • : TEAP Speaking Project -Developing and validating a speaking component of a new admission test for Japanese colleges and universities (Year 1)
  • : TEAP Writing Project - Developing and validating a writing component of a new admission test for Japanese colleges and universities (Year 1)
  • :TEAP Washback Project - A review of the washback concept in language education with particular implications for Japan and the EIKEN foundation of Japan organisation (Year 1)
  • Ltd: Password Listening - Proposal for a listening component to supplement the Password test
  • Ltd: Password Introduction and Password Levels
  • Ltd: Password - Testing the English Language Skills of international Students at the Foundation level (Year 4)
  • English Profile: Discourse level functional progression in English language learning in the CEFR C1 and C2 proficiency band (Year 6)
  • (Taiwan): Examining the criterion-related validity of the GEPT advanced reading and writing tests: Comparing GEPT with IELTS and real-life academic performance (Year 1)
  • Ministry of Education (Japan): Investigating effects of pre-task planning on paired speaking tests (Year 3)
  • TEMPUS IV Promoting sustainable excellence in testing and assessment of English (Year 1)
  • Macedonian as a Foreign Language Curriculum Upgrade: TEMAK (Year 2)
  • : Examining examiner interventions in relation to the listening demands they make on candidates in the GESE Exams
  • UCLEB: Consultancy for the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Central Lancashire Examination Boards on improvements to their suite of EFL tests

  • / IELTS: The relationship between test-takers' listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking test (Year 1)
  • : Investigating learner' cognitive processes during computer-based CAE reading tests (Year 1)
  • Ltd:Password - Testing the English Language Skills of international Students at the Foundation level (Year 3)
  • English Profile: Discourse level functional progression in English language learning in the CEFR C1 and C2 proficiency band (Year 5)
  • Ministry of Education (Japan): Investigating effects of pre-task planning on paired speaking tests (Year 2)
  • Macedonian as a Foreign Language Curriculum Upgrade: TEMAK (Year 1)


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire


+44 (0)1582 489086
