Dr Sathena Chan

Associate Professor in Language Assessment

Sathena Chan

I have a Bachelor’s degree in English Language Teaching, a Masters in Language Testing and Program Evaluation and a PhD in Language Assessment. In addition to teaching EAP/ESP in Asia, I have worked as data analyst, external examiner and consultant for Cambridge ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Press & Assessment, Trinity College London & Oxford ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Press. I started as a postdoctoral researcher at CRELLA in 2013 and was made Associate Professor in 2023. At CRELLA, I have established a research profile with over 30 research grants/consultancy projects and I get to work with leading assessment providers in the UK and worldwide to develop or redesign high-stakes exams which are taken by millions of candidates each year.

I conduct research on different aspects of large-scale language assessment from construct definition, test design, rating scale to validation. I am interested in the dynamic relations between multimodal input-based tasks, test takers’ cognitive processes and levels of performance. I am also passionate about innovating methodological advancement in L2 research and practice.

I am the Special Interest Group (SIG) Co-ordinator of the (BAAL) and serve on the UK Association for Language Testing and Assessment’s Nomination and Membership Committee. I was Convenor (2019-21) of the (BAAL) – (TEA SIG). I regularly review for journals, book publishers and research councils including . I am on the editorial board of . I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

I welcome proposals for supervision from postgraduate research students in topics on assessing L2 reading, writing and integrated skills, cognitive processes in testing and methodology in language testing practice and research.

Before getting in touch, please be sure to read our guidance on applying to study at CRELLA

Students I currently supervise:

Ian Newby Reading-into-writing assessment in an EAP context
Steven Jones An investigation into the pertinent features of high-quality synthesis writing and the impact of teacher feedback on integrated writing skills.

Recipient of

Theses completed under my supervision:

Dr Tanzeela Anbreen

L2 writers' revisions in a computer-based academic English writing test task: a keystroke logging study

Recipient of 2015 British Council

Dr Safia Sheraz

Investigating types of reading used by native and non-native English readers on academic reading: an eye tracking study

Martine Holland Testing academic literacy in reading and writing for university admissions (MA by Research)
Dr Nicola Latimer

Reading during an academic reading-into-writing task: an eye-tracking study

Yumiko Moore

Investigating the Cognitive Constructs Measured by the Aptis Writing Test in the Japanese Context: A Case ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½

My books include () and (both ). I have written book chapters on topics such as Differences in L2 Reading and Listening (Routledge) and Construct Definition at the Heart of Language Assessment (Cambridge ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Press). I have also published widely in peer-reviewed journals. According to Scopus (up to 2023), 57.1% of my articles are in top citation percentiles and 100% in top 25% journals. You can access directly, or find links to my publications through the and on a comprehensive list of CRELLA publications


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire



+44 (0)1582 489086
