Dr Fumiyo Nakatsuhara

Professor in Language Assessment

Fumiyo Nakatsuhara

I hold a PG Diploma in TEFL, a Master’s in Applied Linguistics, and a PhD in Language Assessment from the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Essex. I am the Deputy Director and PGR Lead of CRELLA. I joined CRELLA in 2009. It is my absolute pleasure to work with dedicated colleagues and students at CRELLA, fostering an environment that values individual differences and leverages each other's strengths. Having experienced the impact of assessments during my own school days, I find great personal fulfilment in contributing to projects aimed at educational reform through assessment.

My research interests include the development and validation of speaking tests, assessment of interactional competence and educational reform through assessment.

I am an Expert Member of the (EALTA). I currently serve on the editorial boards of and , as well as an Academic Advisor for and an Academic Advisory Board member for

I was a steering committee member in the creation of the , and the founding member of the , for which I more recently served as the Chair.

I welcome proposals for supervision from postgraduate research students in all aspects of language assessment. My main interests include different formats and delivery modes of speaking tests, task design, rating scales, and assessment of interactional competence, as well as educational reform through assessment. Before getting in touch, please be sure to read our guidance on applying to study at CRELLA

Students I currently supervise:

Akihiro Matsuura The Impact of new English tests on students and teachers in junior high schools in Japan
James Lesley The impact of English Medium Instruction on learners’ spoken language development in a Japanese university context
Anna Raneri The impact of integrated peer and teacher-led feedback on English essay writing tasks
Katherine Halley The assessment of interactional competence required for multimodal HE digitally-mediated EMI classrooms in Japan and Malaysia
Margarida Pato The assessment of interactional competence required for multimodal HE digitally-mediated EMI classrooms in Japan and Malaysia
Mina Patel Establishing a function-specific language assessment literacy framework
Nick Glasson A conversation analytic study of interaction in an online, unmediated collaborative speaking task

Theses completed under my supervision:

Dr Gwendydd Cauldwell Moving towards a framework of reference for spoken production of young learners aged 13-15
Dr Alun Roger

Examining the role of rater personality in L2 speaking tests

Dr Edit Ficzere

An investigation into assessing ESL learners pragmatic competence at B2-C2 levels

Dr Laurence Kinsella Vocabulary size and reading comprehension in elementary level Emirati learners of English
Dr Ekaterina Kandelaki

Vocabulary size and reading comprehension in elementary level Emirati learners of English

Dr Thomas Rogers

Exploring the influence of suprasegmental features of speech on rater judgements of intelligibility

Dr Nuzhat Jafari

The role of vocabulary learning strategies in lexical progression in an ESL context

Dr Hussain Sivardeen

Vocabulary acquisition through extensive reading of unsimplified English material in a Saudi Arabian tertiary context

Dr Jamie Dunlea

Validating a set of Japanese EFL proficiency tests: demonstrating locally designed tests meet international standards

Dr Shumaila Memon

Reading attitudes in L1 and L2 among rural and urban learners in a Pakistani context

Dr Serge Korevaar

The Impact of Computer Interface Design on Lower Level Saudi EFL Students' Performance on a L2 Reading Test

Dr Michael Corrigan

Construct representation of First Certificate in English (FCE) reading

Dr Sathena Chan

Establishing the Validity of Reading-into-Writing Test Tasks for the UK Academic Context

My books include The co-construction of conversation in group oral tests (Language Testing and Evaluation Series, Peter Lang) and The discourse of the IELTS Speaking test: The institutional design of spoken interaction for language assessment (Cambridge ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Press). Two of my journal papers in Language Testing (2011, 2014) were featured in Fulcher’s (2015) Research Timeline article as studies that have significantly advanced our understanding of speaking assessment since 1864.

You can access directly, or find links to my publications through the and on a comprehensive list of CRELLA publications


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire



+44 (0)1582 489086
