Celebrate and Worship
The Treehouse Community and Faith Chaplaincy welcomes students and staff from many different places in the world. We also represent many different faith groups and non.
We have many contacts through the Luton Council of Faith and the Bedford Council of Faith. We also have prayer rooms on both campuses and wash facilities. The prayer rooms are also peaceful places where students and staff can take time to reflect and find peace.
During the year we host a number of cultural events and celebrations. Do follow us on our social media feeds to keep up to date.
Places of worship in Bedford
This directory will introduce you to some of the many and diverse faith communities in Bedford. It may help you to find a place of worship or in making contact with a particular faith community.
In Bedford, people of many different faiths and beliefs, live, work and study side by side. We all need to find ways to live our lives of faith with integrity and to build our community on a strong foundation of respect, openness and trust.
Not all faith communities meet at the same place and the same time, nor do they all meet weekly, so its wise to check before turning up.
Places of worship in Luton
Luton has a rich and diverse community of faith and worship. The Treehouse Community and Faith Chaplaincy works closely with the Luton Council of Faith, Grass roots and Churches Together Luton. If you are looking for a place of worship come and speak to the Treehouse team or email us at treehouse@beds.ac.uk and we will try to help you.
Luton campus
Treehouse Community & Faith Centre
Vicarage Street
T: +44 (0)1582 743360
Milton Keynes campus
Community & Faith Team
2nd Floor Exchange House
Midsummer Boulevard
Milton Keynes
Bedford campus
Treehouse Community & Faith Centre
S0.02 building
MK41 9EA
T: +44 (0)1234 793177
Aylesbury campus (Stoke Mandeville)
Community & Faith Team
Aylesbury Campus
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Mandeville Road
HP21 8AL