JOG Publications

Selected Publications by JOG Members

  • Horne, John and Garry Whannel (2010) The 'caged torch procession': celebrities, protesters and the 2008 Olympic torch relay in London, Paris and San Francisco, in 'Documenting the Beijing Olympics', a Sport in Society Special Issue, edited by D. Martinez & K Latham
  • Whannel, Garry (2010) 'News, Celebrity and Vortextuality: a study of the media coverage of the Jackson Verdict'in Cultural Politics, v6 n1, pp65-84
  • Boyle, Raymond, David Rowe and Garry Whannel (2009) 'A Crass Lack of Seriousness'? Questions for Sports Journalism, in The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism Studies (Ed Stuart Allen) Routledge.
  • Horne, John and Garry Whannel (2009) Beer Sponsors football: What could go wrong?, in Sport Beer and Gender: Promotional Culture and Contemporary Social Life, (edited by Lawrence A. Wenner and Steven L. Jackson), Peter Lang, New York, pp. 55-74
  • Whannel, Garry (2008) Culture Politics and Sport: Blowing The Whistle Revisited, Routledge
  • Sugden, John and Alan Tomlinson (2007) 'Stories from Planet Football and Sportsworld: source relations and collusion in sport journalism' (with John Sugden), Journalism Practice, 1(1), pp.44-61
  • Tomlinson, Alan (2006) National identity and global sports events : Culture, politics and spectacle in the Olympics and the football World Cup (edited with Young, C.) Albany, State 天美传媒 of New York Press
  • Tomlinson, Alan (2006) German football: History, culture, society (edited with Young, C.) London, Routledge
  • Horne, John; and Wolfram Manzenreiter, eds (2006) Sports Mega-Events: Social Scientific Analyses of a Global Phenomenon, Oxford: Blackwell
  • Horne, John (2006) Sport in Consumer Culture, London: Palgrave.


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