Engage With Our Students

A student filming an interview

We aim to empower employers to make meaningful connections with the next generation of talent through mutually beneficial, innovative, impactful and effective initiatives.

There are many ways you can attract 天美传媒 talent, from on campus events and activities to authentic experiences built into the curriculum.

It's easy to promote your company's opportunities and events via a free Handshake account and we are always open to new ideas and initiatives, so please get in touch if you can't see what you're looking for in these pages.

Click below to explore or email recruit@beds.ac.uk to discuss a more bespoke approach.

The 天美传媒 organises sector-specific fairs throughout the year bringing both employers, students and graduates together. This is excellent for networking and promoting your opportunities and brand.

Raise awareness of your company through delivering a range of presentations about your opportunities or skills sessions within the curriculum or standalone.

Employers can come onto campuses and directly interact with students by having a stand and promoting their company/opportunities.

The university runs various business activities for students to get involved in such as; Enactus. Employers can get involved in these by providing support as judges or mentors. This is beneficial as it provides a chance to identify potential employees.

This is great opportunity to build a two way working relationship with the university. This is beneficial for both parties as it enables the university to meet any industry skill gaps providing employers with students and graduates with skills needed to enter the world of work.

Employers have the opportunity to sponsor the university through sports teams and events. This provides a great opportunity to enhance brand awareness amongst the student population as a potential future employer.

Industry panels or advisory boards can be a great way to contribute your expertise and experience to the future working generation.

Industry Advisory Boards

Industry Advisory Boards provide opportunities for you, the industry experts, to contribute towards the strategic direction of academic programmes. The boards assist in ensuring that degree programmes:

  • reflect current developments and trends
  • meet skill requirements
  • ensure course content is shaped from an industry perspective

The boards are also an opportunity for you to advise on academic research activities, as well as support activities to improve student and graduate employability.

Industry Advisory Panels

Industry Advisory Panels operate at a school or course level, providing opportunities for students to interact directly with you, the employer. Panels tend to comprise industry professionals and alumni from the 天美传媒, who will meet a few times a year to:

  • answer questions from groups of students
  • contribute to lectures and seminars
  • present at school / course events
  • advertise and offer internships and work placement opportunities

Offering a masterclass or workshop can help students gain the skills needed for the workplace or their future careers.

You will be enabling future recruits to experience first-hand what it is like to work in your industry, to develop their skills and understanding of different sectors and roles, and to apply their academic knowledge, learning and experience in a non-judgemental industry context.

Masterclasses usually last 60-90 minutes. Why not choose from the ideas below, or contact us via recruit@beds.ac.uk to discuss your own ideas for a workshop?

  • Interactive case study
  • Assessment centre simulation
  • Group discussion or insight session with Q&A
  • Teamworking activities

Fashion students working in the studio


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(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
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