Past Project

ENDEAVOUR - Entrepreneurial Development as a vehicle to promote European Higher Education

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Project Summary

  • Title: Entrepreneurial Development as a vehicle to promote European Higher Education
  • Programme: Erasmus Mundus no 2006-2859/001-001 MUN-MINB41
  • Contractor: Universita Del Sannio - Benevento (Italy)
  • Area of Activity: Education
  • Duration of the Project: 36 months
  • EC Co-financing: 340,800 EUR
  • Start Date 1st January 2007

Project Objectives

The overall objective of ENDEAVOUR is to promote the EU entrepreneurship education outside the EU, to enhance the attractiveness of Entrepreneurial Development courses in the EU and to attract third country students to learn this subject matter in EU countries. In particular the project aims to increase the interest in the EU Universities as an educational destination of choice, especially for academically talented students. The project is designed to address the following needs:

  • cooperation and exchange over national borders in order to overcome peripheral geographical location;
  • deficiency in common development directions and conceptions within the field of higher education promotion;
  • lack of appropriate materials and sufficient resources to execute marketing promotions world-wide;
  • ineffective cooperation among individual higher education institution international relation units and structures;
  • limited access and lack of information within international markets regarding higher education offer and study opportunities in the EU area;
  • at the end of the project each EU 天美传媒 partner should be able to define strategies for the revitalization of its role arising from international best practices and on the basis of their specific needs, resources and competitive forces.

Main Activities

The major activities in the project will include:

  1. detailed scenario analysis on the training offer in the Entrepreneurial Development in the EU and in the other above mentioned geographical areas;
  2. identification of eventual shortages in this training offer;
  3. detailed study of excellence cases in the EU training offer (best practices);
  4. specific survey on the EU e-learning offer in the Entrepreneurial Development;
  5. analysis of target group needs;
  6. study of emerging professional profiles in third countries;
  7. evaluation of cross between demand (target group, professional profiles) and training offer in the EU;
  8. preparation of traditional promotional products (multimedia CD-ROM, web sites, brochures) to divulge the European training offer in dependence of the previous point 6.;
  9. creation of an online database, in form of knowledge management system, of the EU learning opportunities in the field of Entrepreneurial Development;
  10. spreading of information with details on Entrepreneurial Development higher education in the EU in order to promote the diversity of opportunity for international students to follow European study programmes by means of suitable paper and online newspapers and magazines;
  11. organisation of an international road-show delivering produced promotion materials;
  12. organisation and delivery of a set of workshops promoting the Entrepreneurial Development higher education in the EU for third countries;
  13. promotion and marketing of Entrepreneurial Development curricula and other higher education opportunities in the EU by means of the networking of the EU and third country universities audience.


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