Implementing technology solution for sustainable development of artisanal fisheries in Santa Catarina (TAF)

  • Title: Implementing technology solution for sustainable development of artisanal fisheries in Santa Catarina (TAF)
  • Funding Programme: British Council Newton Fund Institutional Link programme
  • Partner Country Lead Institution: Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC)
  • Duration of the Project: 24 months
  • BC Grant: 100,000 GBP
  • Start Date: 1st April 2018

Aim and Objectives

The TAF project is an institutional links project, funded by the Newton fund in the UK and FAPESC in Brazil. It aims to improve sustainability of artisanal fisheries in (southern) Brazil by implementing new digital technologies and training local stakeholders to use the chosen technology.

Project Objectives

  1. To develop a deeper understanding of issues of sustainable development of AFs in Santa Catarina.
  2. To study technology requirements of AFs.
  3. To improve the capacity of Brazilian partner in supporting AFs by disseminating best practice examples of using appropriate technologies in the UK and elsewhere in the world.
  4. To choose a specific technology solution to support sustainable development of AFs with stakeholder engagement.
  5. To implement the technology solution, conduct technology assessment and life cycle analysis, document results, identify impacts on sustainability, prepare training manuals for using the chosen technology, and disseminate the learning to relevant stakeholders.

Key deliverables

  1. A report on sustainable development of AFs in Santa Catarina (based on first stakeholder workshop and subsequent interviews).
  2. A report on best practice examples from the UK and other parts of the world on technologies useful for Brazilian AFs.
  3. A report on consultation with artisanal fishermen and their associations in Santa Catarina, Brazil to understand how these technologies can be adopted (2nd workshop).
  4. A report on the use of a specific technology and conclusions on their usability in Brazilian context.
  5. A report on implementing the chosen technology, assessment, life cycle analysis, sustainability implications, and appropriate training manuals (3rd workshop).
  6. Dissemination of results in at least one international conference, and at least one research article in a reputed journal.

Project website and news

Contact Information

Professor Ram Ramanathan
T: +44 (0)1582 74 3516


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