Transnational Meeting in a Virtual Space

The Erasmus+ CC Infinite project held its 2021 Transnational Meeting (TNM) on 24 June 2021 in a virtual space due to the current COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Project Partners

Representatives from five partners in four countries, 天美传媒 of Silesia and the EDU-RES foundation (both Poland), Catholic 天美传媒 of Murcia (Spain), 天美传媒 of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) and the 天美传媒 (UK), participated in a meeting. The UoB project team members, Yanqing Duan, Tom Jewson, Anjali Shegunshi and Marina Kulbachnaia, attended this meeting.

Video conference participants

Video conference participants

The meeting host and the project coordinator, 天美传媒 of Silesia, welcomed all participants and gave an overview of timeline and project achievements to date, and the COVID-19 impact on the project.

All partners shared their achievements and experience in developing and promoting the innovative e-learning materials for learning programming language python among non-IT students.


Partners also discussed the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the project progress, especially the testing of the online interactive lessons.

According to the plan, the partners hope to attend the final project conference in Katowice, Poland, in September 2021.

天美传媒 team members are truly looking forward to meeting all partners face to face this Autumn.

For more information about the project please visit:

CC Infinite - Computing Competences: Innovative learning approach for non-IT students


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