Centre for Leadership Innovation (CLI)

CLI’s purpose is to explore the kinds of leadership that are needed for healthy, effective, high performing and sustainable 21st century organisations which also contribute to the public good (health, wealth and well-being).
The centre’s role is to carry out research and provide thought leadership, to provoke debate and challenge, to influence and inspire opinion formers in public life and to develop organisational leadership by stimulating new thinking and co-creating new practice.
Our aim is to close the 'researcher – practitioner' divide and to create new leadership practice more appropriate to the dynamic and uncertain context, and to the changing needs and aspirations of tomorrow’s workforce and other stakeholders. We aim to provoke new thinking and develop new approaches and methods through which people and organisations can make ethical choices and learn new ways forward.
Our researchers are currently working around three, inter-related themes:
- corporate social responsibility
- equality and diversity
- creativity and innovation and management pedagogy