Professor Yanqing Duan

Professor of Information Systems

Professor Yanqing Duan

I joined the Business School in May 1995 and have enjoyed researching and teaching in information management and systems, and knowledge management since.

In addition to my working life, I particularly enjoy travelling, exploring natural sceneries, and walking in the countryside.

I am also very passionate about improving the quality of life of the elderly and was a member of the trustee board for Age Concern Bedfordshire from 2004 to 2009.


  • Senior Fellow (SFHEA), Higher Education Academy
  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering - China Agriculture 天美传媒 (CAU)
  • MSc in Systems Engineering - China Agriculture 天美传媒 (CAU)
  • PhD on the use of expert systems for organisational decision making - Aston 天美传媒 (with scholarship under Sino鈥揃ritish Friendship Scholarship Scheme)

Teaching Expertise

  • Applications and impact of AI, Big Data, IoT and Analytics.
  • Digital business management
  • Information systems
  • E-Commerce and e-Business
  • Business website design
  • Decision support systems, expert systems and artificial intelligent systems
  • Business research methods
  • Knowledge management and systems

Research Interests

My principal research interest is the use of emerging ICT鈥檚 and their impact on organisational performance, innovation, decision making, and knowledge transfer. I am particularly interested in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Analytics, Internet of Things, smart agriculture and aquaculture, sustainable food supply chains, digital transformation in SMEs, and SME鈥檚 adoption of emerging digital technologies. For example, my research covers:

  • Adoption, use and impact of emerging digital technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Analytics, Cloud computing, Internet of Things, in SMEs, Agriculture, Aquaculture, and food sectors
  • AI, Big Data, IoT, food traceability systems and food processing industry
  • Learning Analytics in Higher Education
  • Digital transformation and innovation in SMEs
  • ICT based knowledge management and transfer

Research Projects

I have generated substantial amount of research income for the 天美传媒 from various sources including European Commission, Innovate UK, BBSRC, EPSRC, the British Council, the HEFCE, and commercial organisations.

List of research projects I have coordinated and participated in.

External Roles

  • Visiting Professor of China Agricultural 天美传媒
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Decision Support Systems (DSS)
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Information Management (IJIM) 2018-2022
  • Member of many conference committees
  • Expert reviewer, evaluation panel member, referee and evaluator for various research funding programmes, e.g. EU (framework 7, H2020, Horizon Europe), EPSRC, ESRC, SSHRC (Canada), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), SWISS National Science Foundation, etc.
  • Reviewer of various journals including ABS 4* journals, books and international conferences
  • Keynote speaker and Session chair in many international conferences
  • Research student examination in many universities
  • External expert panel member for new course validation in the UK and abroad


I have over 250 refereed publications in journals, books chapters and conference proceedings. Many of them appeared in high impact refereed journals including:

  • European Journal of Operational Research (2020)
  • Technovation (2021)
  • Journal of Business Research (2016, 2023)
  • Industrial Marketing Management (2019, 2020)
  • European Journal of Information Systems (2000)
  • European Journal of Marketing (2000)
  • Journal of Environmental Management (2024)
  • IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2015)
  • The Information Society (2017)
  • Information and Management (2003, 2005, 2010, 2017)
  • Production Planning and Control (2017)
  • Information Technology and People (2014, 2016)
  • International Journal of Information Management (2019(3), 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
  • The Service Industries Journal (2024)
  • Aquaculture Engineering (2022)
  • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (2017)
  • Journal of Cleaner Production (2020, 2023)
  • Management Decisions (2021)
  • Expert Systems with Applications (1995, 2002, 2003, 2012)
  • Computers and Education (2010)
  • Society and Business Review (2014)
  • Information Processing and Management (2010)
  • British Journal of Educational Technology (2011)
  • Strategic Change (2014)
  • International Journal of Consumer Studies (2019)
  • Journal of Knowledge Management (2006)
  • Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (2021)
  • Reviews in Aquaculture (2019)
  • Biosystems Engineering (2021)
  • Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical (2020(2))
  • Aquaculture: An International Journal (2020)
  • Knowledge Management Research and Practice (2009)
  • Journal of End User Computing (2003)
  • Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (2000)
  • Journal of European Industrial Training (2002)
  • Industry and Higher Education (2008)
  • Journal of Electronic Commerce in organisations (2006)
  • Journal of business and industrial marketing (1997)
  • International journal of e鈥揃usiness Research (2007)

to see some of my publications.

Research Student Supervisions

I have supervised many research students to completion and welcome applicants who are interested in doing PhD, MPhil or MSc by Research in any topics relevant to my research interests.

Contact Details

T: +44 (0)1582 743171


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