Published and Presented Research

Research and scholarship outputs from the Academy for Learning and Teaching Excellence Team.

Academy members highlighted in bold.


  • Briggs, S., Everett, S. and Holley, D. (2024) Traditional higher education role classifications create structural inequalities for third space practitioners: Evidence from Advance HE Teaching Excellence Awards. Wonkhe Blog. Available:

  • Briggs, S. (2024) Are you an aspiring National Teaching Fellow. Third Space Perspectives Blog. Available:

  • Briggs, S. (2024) Are you an aspiring National Teaching Fellow? SEDA Blog. Available:

  • Briggs, S., Everett, S., Hustler, K. & Holley, D. (2024) Raising the profile of professional service staff with teaching and learning responsibilities as potential NTFS applicants. Paper presented at Association for National Teaching Fellows Symposium, Nottingham Trent ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½, 23/04/24 – 24/04/24.


Coming soon


  • Pritchard, D, J., Connolly, H., Saeudy, M., Egbe, A, Rowinski, P., Bishop, J., Ashley, T. & Worsfold, N. (2023). Transdisciplinary Collaborations for Sustainable Futures. Chapter 4.8, In Abegglen, S., Sinfield, S. & Burns, T. (Eds.), Bloomsbury Handbook for Collaboration in Higher Education.

  • Pritchard, D J. (2023) Youth engagement in local and community sustainability initiatives. Presented at Clinton Global Foundation/International Fund for Agricultural Development round-table on sustainability and restorative practices. Rome.

  • Pritchard, D J. (2021) Higher education practices for our threatened world. Presented at British Council Going Global Conference. 16 June. See:

  • Pritchard, D J. (2022) Circumventing the tyranny of disciplines through interdisciplinary collaborations: CPD session. Presented at Institute of Government and Public Policy (UK) Conference, ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of East London. See:

  • Pritchard, D J. (2021) Higher education practices for 21st Century Learning. UK-AID/British Council / SPHEIR website blog. Available via: .

  • Pritchard, D J., Connolly, H., Saeudy, M., Egbe, A., Rowinski, P., Bishop, J. & Ashley, T. (2021) in Practice Guides for Education for Sustainability. Advance HE / QAA.

  • Pritchard, D J. & Worsfold, N. (2021) Collaborating across disciplines for climate education:CoP26 Universities Case ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½. Available via:

  • Pritchard, D J. (2020) Community-based Learning for Sustainability, Presented at the Advance HE Annual Teaching and Learning Conference. 8 July. See:

  • Pritchard, D J., Ashley, T, Connolly, H & Worsfold, N. (2018). 'Transforming collaborative practices for curriculum and teaching innovations. In Leal, W. (Ed), Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities', pp 1-16. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-702803

  • Leal W., Wall T., Rayman-Bacchus L., Mifsud M., Pritchard D, J., Orlovic Lovren V., Farinha C., S.Petrovic D. & Balogun L. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 and social isolation on academic staff and students at universities: a cross-sectional study. British Medical Council Public Health, 21, pp. 1213-1232

  • Worsfold N. & Pritchard D J. (2020) A hybrid approach to ‘authenticating’ assessment. Presented at Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference. See:

  • Kaya, S., Eryilmaz, N. and Yuksel, D., 2024. A cross-cultural comparison of self-efficacy as a resilience measure: Evidence from PISA 2018. Youth & Society, 56(3), pp.597-621.

  • Kaya, S., 2024. Mathematics and Science learning in primary and secondary school EMI classrooms. In: Curle, S. M. and Pun, J. (eds.) Researching English Medium Instruction: Quantitative Methods for Students and Researchers, Cambridge ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Press, p.11-26.
  • Kaya, S., Eryilmaz, N. and Yuksel, D., 2024. The effects of growth mindset and resilience on immigrant students’ PISA science achievement: The mediating role of attitudes toward school. Sage Open, 14(1).

  • Kaya, S., Yuksel, D. and Curle, S., 2023. The effects of language learning and math mindsets on academic success in an engineering program. Journal of Engineering Education, 112(1), pp.90-107.

  • Kaya, S. and Yüksel, D., 2022. Teacher mindset and grit: How do they change by teacher training, gender, and subject taught? Participatory Educational Research, 9(6), pp.418-435.

  • Kaya, S., Eryilmaz, N. and Yuksel, D., 2022. The effects of motivational and metacognitive variables on immigrant and non-immigrant students’ reading achievement. International Journal of Educational Research, 112, p.101944.

  • Kaya, S. and Temiz, M., 2018. Improving the Quality of Student Questions in Primary Science Classrooms. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(5), pp.800-811.

  • Sidaway, K. (2024) Language learning motivation and adult migrants. Presented at Re: ERUA International Seminar 'L2 learning motivation research: towards social action', Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 10 July.

  • Sidaway, K. (2024). Language learning motivation and the ESOL exam system in England. Language Issues: The ESOL Journal, 35(1), 5-15.

  • Sidaway, K. (2024) Learning English in Britain: exploring the motivation of adult migrants. Presented at The Psychology of Language Learning Conference, National Distance Education ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½, Madrid. 16 May.


  • Briggs, S. (2024) Embedding academic literacies and skills into courses through graduate competency maps. Paper presented at ALDCon24: The Learning Development Conference - Available online:

  • Briggs, S., Brunton, J., Reynolds, J., Nethercott, K., Smith, L., Everitt, M. & Myhill, J. (2024) Enhancing student progression through course-specific graduate pathways. Paper presented at the QAA Quality Insights Conference.

  • Kaya, S., Spanou, C., Poulter, B., Payne, R., Briggs, S. & Brunton, J. (2023) Enhancing employability and engagement with the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ through the Student Experience Leaders (SEL) Scheme. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 29. Available online:

  • Pritchard, D J. & Atlay, M. (2014) Sustainability and Employability: Alliances at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½. In Leal, W (Ed) Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricular. pp 49-62. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-09473-1

  • Dillon, J. & Pritchard D, J. (2022). 'Relational learning and teaching with BME students in Social Work education'. Social Policy and Society: Special Issue ‘Race’, Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 21, 1, pp. 93–105.


  • Pritchard, D, J. (2021) Keynote - What the UKES tells us in times of crises. Presented at: Advance HE Conference: Leading Student Engagement Conference in Times of Crisis. See:

  • Pritchard, D, J. (2020) Logic and scope of student and educator survey to measure relevant 21st Century learning and provision. UK-AID/British Council/ SPHEIR website blog. Available at: .

  • Pritchard, D, J. (2019) Tools to measure 21st Century competencies. Presented at Advance HE Survey Conference, Bristol. 8 May. See:

  • Gaitan A. & Pritchard D, J. (2017). The potential role of ePortfolios in the Teaching Excellence Framework. International Journal for Reporting Achievement, Planning and Portfolios, 2(1), pp. 6-17. See:

  • Briggs, S., Pritchard, D. J., Kaya, S., Sidaway, K. and Brunton, J. (2024) Times Higher Education. 1st Aug

  • The Journal of Pedagogic Development was launched by the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½'s Centre for Learning Excellence in July 2011. The primary focus was on teaching, learning, and assessment. Although we are no longer asking for contributions, you can access past issues of the journal


  • Vincent, K. & Briggs, S. (2022) Bridging the gap: Support intervention through a hybrid team. Presented at Advance HE: Student Retention and Success Symposium, Online, 9th February. Available via:


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