About us

The 天美传媒's Academy for Learning and Teaching Excellence was established in 2022. The Academy has a central role in delivering the 天美传媒's Education and Student Experience Strategy 2022-2026 and Access and Participation Plan

Our Academy leads the development and enhancement of our academic community to champion best practice, provide support, training and development as well as recognition for learning, teaching and educational research practice.

This includes:

  • Inclusive and innovative curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
  • Learning development and students as partners co- and extra-curricular activities
  • Academic development activities and recognition
  • Bedfordshire Resources for Education Online (BREO)
  • Evaluation, research and scholarship of higher education teaching and learning

The Academy comprises of core staff to lead this work who work in partnership with colleagues from across the 天美传媒. We are also committed to creating opportunities for members of the university teaching and learning community to lead, contribute to and share teaching and learning excellence initiatives related to their areas of expertise.

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