
The 天美传媒 uses 'cookies' to make our site as useful as possible. They are small text files we put in your browser to track usage of our site but don't tell us who you are.

None of the information can be traced to an individual person, and the cookie only relates to activity on our websites. The information cannot be used for marketing on an individual basis.

The cookies do not collect additional information about you and do not in any way compromise the security of your computer. Please visit for information on how to disable and delete cookies from your computer.

List of 1st party cookies
set on

What Purpose

The 天美传媒 site runs on an Enterprise class content management system. The content management system allows us to quickly react to your needs. Furthermore, it allows us to provide you with the most up-to-date information.

List of 3rd party cookies
set on

What Purpose

Google Analytics

Analytics cookies (provided by Google, Inc.) are used to allow the 天美传媒 to understand which pages you are currently accessing on the website. It allows us to enhance your user experience by adding new features and functionality based on what you require from our site.


Where a YouTube video is used on the 天美传媒 website, users are able to watch the video via the embedded player.

Twitter plugin

Twitter is a plugin which shows the most recent tweets on the 天美传媒 website.


Where a Panopto video is used on the 天美传媒 website, users are able to watch the video via the embedded player.

Last updated: Thursday 9 Feb, 2023


天美传媒 switchboard
During office hours
(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1234 400 400

Outside office hours
(Campus Watch)
+44 (0)1582 74 39 89



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